Home > NewsRelease > Job Search Over 50: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile and Personal Brand
Job Search Over 50: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile and Personal Brand
Vision Board Media, LLC Vision Board Media, LLC
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Newtown, PA
Monday, October 14, 2024


I LOVE LinkedIn! But I am not endorsed by or affiliated with LinkedIn in any way whatsoever.

There is NO relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement by LinkedIn with this Website.

Absolutely NO content has been authorized by or represents the views or opinions of LinkedIn or LinkedIn personnel.

LinkedIn Makeover is simply a description of a service I provide. My company is called Vision Board Media.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Donna Serdula
Title: Founder, Owner
Group: Vision Board Media, LLC
Dateline: Newtown, PA United States
Direct Phone: 215-839-0008
Main Phone: 215-839-3434
Cell Phone: 215-796-1599
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