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Joellyn ‘Joey’ Sargent Judges 17th Annual WebAwards Competition
Joellyn 'Ferguson - Growth Strategy, Branding, Marketing Joellyn 'Ferguson - Growth Strategy, Branding, Marketing
Atlanta, GA
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Joellyn 'Joey' Sargent - Principal of Claravon Consulting Group
 Joellyn 'Joey' Sargent Judges 17th Annual WebAwards Competition

Serving as a Judge for her 5th Straight Year

July 18, 2013 – ATLANTA, GA – For the fifth consecutive year, Joellyn 'Joey' Sargent, principal of the Claravon Consulting Group, has been invited to be a judge for the Web Marketing Association's WebAwards competition.

The 17th annual WebAwards program recognizes the people and organizations responsible for the most effective websites on the Internet today. The program celebrates individual and team achievements of Web professionals around the world who create and maintain outstanding Web sites.

Created by the Web Marketing Association in 1997, the WebAwards identifies the best Web sites in 96 industries while setting the standard of excellence for development. The program defines industry benchmarks for the best sites based on the seven criteria of a successful website: design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use.

Sargent is one of a select group of industry leaders who volunteer their time, energy and expertise to help raise the standard of excellence for web development on the Internet. "Judging the WebAwards is something I look forward to every year," said Sargent. "It a great opportunity to see cutting edge design and creativity blended with exceptional usability and advanced digital technology."

Over the years, Sargent has seen trends change dramatically in web design, from Flash to WordPress and single page sites. "Whatever the designer's approach, the most important factor is the user," explained Sargent, "I love seeing sites where technology becomes transparent because the user experience is so seamless."

Sargent has worked in marketing and technology for over 20 years. From her early days leading web design projects to her current role helping businesses integrate digital marketing, customer experience and business strategy, Sargent has maintained a focus on engaging customers and building brand equity.

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About the Claravon Consulting Group

The Claravon Consulting Group was founded by Joellyn ‘Joey’ Sargent in 2010 as BrandSprout Advisors. Claravon provides the clarity, vision and insights that leaders need to create powerful momentum for growth. Joey’s fresh perspectives and no-nonsense advice helps executives, entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders connect corporate strategy, organizational performance and customer experience, delivering breakthrough results with Maximum Market Impact™.

Joey Sargent holds an MBA from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and has worked with companies from startups to the Fortune 500 in a diverse range of industries. Joey is a popular speaker and is regularly quoted in the media on strategy, leadership and branding. For more information, visit www.Claravon.com or call 678.823.8228.
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Name: Joellyn Ferguson
Title: CEO
Group: Claravon Consulting Group
Dateline: Longmont, CO United States
Direct Phone: 678-932-8228
Cell Phone: 770-335-5244
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