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LTC Insurance Expert Advocates Clarity
Stephen D. Forman, The Voice of Long-Term Care Stephen D. Forman, The Voice of Long-Term Care
Bellevue, WA
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Long Term Care Associates, Inc.
BELLEVUE, WASH., OCTOBER 31, 2012— One of the nation's leading voices on long-term care insurance, Stephen D. Forman, this week released the latest entry in his ongoing op-ed series, "The Great Debate: LTC vs LTSS"

Forman, senior vice-president of LTCA, explained his motive for covering the topic, "Not only do I help manage one of America's premier insurance firms, but my position affords me the opportunity to travel in circles of academia and government. This dual perspective allows me to see what so many others have until now overlooked: there are two worlds, each with its own vocabulary."

"Private industry chose the term LTC (for Long-Term Care)," Forman explained, "while government and academia have sanctioned the acronym LTSS (for Long-Term Services & Supports). Although this chasm has been widening for some time, it reached critical mass once the Affordable Care Act was enacted—a landmark law which presumptively designates Long-Term Services & Supports as the nation's terminology of choice."

Previous articles in the series have tackled equally provocative issues. In "Real Markets", Forman up-ends conventional wisdom regarding volatility in the LTC market by answering, "What is the right number of insurers?" In "Real Economy", Forman unravels the mystery behind the Labor Department's unemployment numbers, and ties the economic recovery to LTCi's vibrant future.

The entire series thus far can be found on LifeHealthPro, where Forman is a regular contributor:
Consumers with questions about LTC coverage options are encouraged to seek reliable and trustworthy sources of information, including http://www.ltc-associates.com or by calling 1-800-704-9233.

About LTCA:

With roots dating back to 1972, Long Term Care Associates, Inc. (LTCA) has now entered its 5th decade focused exclusively in the LTC Insurance marketplace. Headquartered in Bellevue, Wash., the company is proud to serve over 5 million members of sponsoring organizations, and count the claim payments to its clientele in the tens of millions of dollars. LTCA can be followed on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Stephen D. Forman, CLTC
Title: Senior Vice-President
Group: Long Term Care Associates, Inc.
Dateline: Bellevue, WA United States
Direct Phone: 425-462-9500
Main Phone: 800-742-9444
Cell Phone: 206-972-1777
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