Wednesday, January 9, 2013
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Become a Certified Business Etiquette Trainer with Barbara Pachter
Barbara Pachter--one of the world's leading business etiquette experts-- is now training others to teach her highly successful seminar,
The New Etiquette Essentials for Business Professionals.
Pachter developed an extensive Train-The-Trainer for business consultants, college instructors and corporate trainers who want to add this interactive and engaging program to their training curriculums or to start their own etiquette consulting firms. During private, intensive coaching sessions with award-winning trainer Barbara Pachter, participants build on their strengths as they gain the knowledge to:
• Fine-tune their own professional image
• Deliver Pachter & Associates' business etiquette seminar, The New Etiquette Essentials for Business Professionals, to your clients
• Increase their skills as a presenter
• Feel confident in business dining situations
• Promote their own seminar business
• Succeed as an etiquette consultant
Author of 9 books, Barbara Pachter is a leader in the business etiquette field, with over 20 years experience as a trainer and coach. Her first book
The Prentice Hall Complete Business Etiquette Handbook in 1995 helped set the standard for the field, and her most recent book Greet! Eat! Tweet! in 2010 continues to establish etiquette guidelines for the ever-changing workplace. Her books have been translated into 11 languages.
Pachter has given more than 2,100 presentations throughout the world to major corporations including Microsoft, Con Edison, Pfizer, Chrysler, and Cisco Systems, and has won numerous awards, including "Best 50 Women in Business in New Jersey."
All graduates of the Train-The-Trainer Etiquette Certification program receive a Certificate of Graduation, which qualifies them to practice the skills taught by Barbara Pachter.
Please contact Joyce Hoff for more information at or 856.751.6141.
For a review copy of
GREET! EAT! TWEET! 52 Business Etiquette Postings To Avoid Pitfalls & Boost Your Career, contact: Joyce Hoff, 856.751.6141, or For a free copy of Pachter's communication e-newsletter, "Competitive Edge," your readers can call (856) 751-6141 (NJ) or go to
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