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M&A Process; Steps to be Taken and Closing Activities
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Atlanta, GA
Monday, October 5, 2020


Hope you aredoing well. Thought you might find this helpful.  

I work witha lot of business leaders who want to increase profits, grow value, or reducerisk. There can be a value in either buying another company or selling yourbusiness. They asked to share how they can quickly assess where they really arenow and simple strategic steps for when they want to engage in merger oracquisition.

As a result,I am sharing an eBook M&A Process; Steps to be Taken and Closing Activities (includingpre and post-closing) which in 10 to 20 minutes helps you start creatingyour tailored roadmap.

If you’dlike, I can send you this eBook, and if it’s not something you are interestedin, no worries.

Either way,I’d be curious to hear what’s working BEST for you right now in terms of gettingincreasing business value in a ROI focused way.



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gary W. Patterson
Title: Trusted Advisor
Group: FiscalDoctor Inc.
Dateline: Alpharetta, GA United States
Direct Phone: 781-237-3637
Main Phone: 678-319-4739
Cell Phone: 781-237-3637
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