Monday, May 27, 2024
Kathryn Troutman, Publisher, President, Resume Place, Inc.
Kathryn Troutman, Author, Jobseeker’s Guide 9th Edition
Read Kathryn’s bio here.
To help you continue your dedicated service to America, we would like to give you our best advice, FREE, on how to begin a successful, rewarding career in the Federal Government as a Civil Service Employee. The Federal Resume is a vastly different document from the standard two-page private sector resume.
Successfully navigating the federal job application process is complex – but possible, if you have some knowledge about what’s most important. l will be teaching a free 90-minute class using my proven formula, Ten Steps to a Federal Job®, on Friday April 31st, at 1:00 pm ET. We will explain how to apply for federal jobs and how to write a correct, targeted, and effective Federal Resume that will get you noticed and referred to hiring managers.
Send email to [email protected]
Subjectline: Your Name, Military Service, Dates
Email text: Write a sentence or two about your Federal job search objectives.
Thank you! You will learn a lot!
The class is also open to Employment Specialists who advise Veterans, Service Members, and Military Spouses on Federal Jobs
Virtual ZOOM 90-Minute Ten Steps to a Federal Job® April 31, 2024, 1 to 2:30 pm ET. Open to 125 registrants. (maybe more)
Here’s an overview of what we’ll cover from Ten Steps to a Federal Job®:
Introduction – How Many Hats Do You Wear at Work? We’ll begin with a fun and easy activity that will help you translate your military experience into real job titles that align with government positions.
Step 1 – Review the Federal Job Process. We’ll review official federal job titles and the GS salary scale.
Step 2 – Networking.We’ll talk about how you can land a federal position through networking and applying under a Special Hiring Authority. Veterans Preference Information that will help you with your federal job search.
Step 3 – Search for Jobs on USAJOBS. This website is vast – more than 18,000 jobs are posted there at any given time – and it can be confusing.
Step 4 – Keywords. Every USAJOBS announcement contains critical keywords that you need recognize and then match in your resume.
Step 5 – Core Competencies. Many of the USAJOBS announcements include Core Competencies.
Step 6 – Federal Resume Writing – You will see the best, most effective format for a federal resume. Average length of a Federal Resume is 4 to 5 pages!
Step 7 – Write your Accomplishments. Your resume needs to include your proud accomplishments, written in a way that makes an impression on readers. Tell your stories!
Step 8 – Apply for Federal Jobs on USAJOBS. Learn tips on setting up your profile and applying successfully with supporting documents.
Step 9 – Track and Follow-up. It’s amazing, but you CAN follow up to find out WHAT happened to your application.
Step 10 – Interview and Negotiate for your federal job. The Interview is a TEST. If you have skills that the government needs, it’s possible to negotiate your STEP within the GRADE you’re seeking.
Send email to [email protected]
Subjectline: Your Name, Military Service, Dates
Email text: Write a sentence or two about your Federal job search objectives.
Thank you! You will learn a lot!
Friday, April 31, 2024: The course is based on the book, Jobseeker’s Guide 9th Edition. The class is open to the first 125 attendees who register. This Ten Steps class is taught at military bases around the world.
A 3-page handout will be sent to each attendee with a summary of each step after the class. We will not be sending the PowerPoint to each person, but you can order the print or e-book here.
Consultation service for Federal Resume with a Certified Federal Resume Writer:
Get a federal resume review and quote for federal resume writing for your new updated resume. $210 for one hour review of resume, update information, sample job announcement.
Quote for writing and editing needed to retarget the resume, add new content, edit previous content and add new accomplishments! THIS IS THE BEST $210 YOU WILL EVER SPEND FOR YOUR IT CAREER DEVELOPMENT!” – KATHRYN TROUTMAN
Order the Jobseeker’s Guidebook, 9th Edition below

Jobseeker’s Guidebook, 9th Ed. – Ten Steps to a Federal Job®, Kathryn Troutman, Author
Purchase the book here
The Author: Kathryn Troutman is the author of many award-winning career guides including the best-selling Federal Resume Guidebook, 7th Edition (Best Reference Book/Gold in the Independent Press Awards and more) and The Stars are Lined Up for Military Spouses, 2nd Edition. Troutman is the Founder and President of The Resume Place, a groundbreaking Federal resume writing and job coaching service in Baltimore, MD.
Based on the Ten Steps to a Federal Job® method, Kathryn Troutman and Resume Place, Inc., manage and teach a train-the-trainer Certified Federal Job Search Trainer / Certified Federal Career Coach program. The CFJST / CFCC has been taught for 20 years and employment readiness, career counselors and transition counselors teach and coach the Ten Steps method at military bases and job centers.
Kathryn Troutman is the Founder and President of Resume Place, Inc., a Federal Career Consulting business located in Baltimore, MD. Her firm specializes in writing and designing professional federal resumes, as well as consulting, coaching and education on the federal hiring process. She is the author of many best-selling federal career books, including the Federal Resume Guidebook, 7th Ed. See the books at
Troutman is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable media guest, appearing on Beverly Jones’s Jazzed about Work on NPR’s WOUB, Carol Fishman Cohen’s 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch (Relaunching Your Career), Mark Miller’s Repurpose Your Career, and numerous times on Mike Causey’s Your Turn show on Federal News Network. Her business, The Resume Place, had been featured in The Washington Post. To hear interviews of this top federal jobs expert, click here.