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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital
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About: Randall is a serial entrepreneur, coaches CEOs on scaling their business, and leads the Braintrust Professional Institute. He shares his unique perspective through his eight books (one a best seller), 600+ articles, podcasts, keynote speeches, virtual presentations, and advisory relationships. He has helped over 100 organizations – from start-ups to multinationals – scale their businesses, build capacity, and address their most pressing challenges. Randall has taught at numerous executive education programs, serves on both corporate and not-for-profit boards, and frequently appears as an expert in the media. He has earned an FCMC, CFA, MBA, CSP, iGP, and a Black Belt in Karate. Randall has also been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame.
Beverly Smallwood, Ph.D. The Hope Center
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About: If rage were weather, we'd be smack in the middle of a Cat 5 hurricane! The winds of anger have ravaged groups and individuals in political, family, and organizational settings. Violence headlines the news far too often. Dr. Beverly Smallwood is a trusted expert on psychological reactions in turbulent times, with a particular focus on anger and rage. A licensed psychologist, she's the author of This Wasn't Supposed to Happen to Me and her book in preparation, All the Rage. Dr. Bev's work with anger has produced significant positive impacts for people at home, in large or ganizations, in family businesses, in prisons, in government organizations, and in faith-based groups. An experienced media resource, Bev's been interviewed in such media as MSNBC, CNN-fn, FOX News, CBS Radio, TalkAmeri...
Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert
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About: Edward Segal is the bestselling author of the award-winning Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey)and provides crisis management advice and services to companies and organizations. Segal has more than 30 years experience as a crisis management expert, CEO, public relations consultant, journalist, communications director, and press secretary for members of Congress and political candidates. Segal is a Leadership Strategy Senior Contributor for and the former marketing strategies columnist for the Wall Street Journal's StartUpJournal. He has managed internal and external crisis situations as the CEO of two trade associations; advised and helped others get through a variety of crisis situations ranging from the arrest and firing of CEOs, allegations of sexual harassment, and hate crimes to forged documents, business and personal bankruptcies, and the environment; and conducted crisis management and communication training for hundreds of CEOs.
Joe Sutherland
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About: With a career spanning the Dow Jones 30, The White House, and our nation's top universities, Dr. Joe Sutherland has attracted clients such as Canva, Goldman Sachs, GlaxoSmithKline, Cisco, and Fulcrum Equity Partners. Sutherland founded Emory University’s Center for AI Learning, where he is the principal investigator for the U.S. AI Safety Institute, established by President Biden to lead the U.S. agenda for AI. He is the bestselling author of Analytics the Right Way: A Business Leader's Guide to Putting Data to Productive Use. Joe can discuss: What AI actually is, and what it isn't; Why the stories you hear from big tech are only half true; How to avoid the common trap of delegating incisive business thought to machines; Why you can’t always trust what your vendors and consultants tell you about AI; Predictions for AI in 2025 (topics: stocks, economy, jobs, culture, education, workplace, national security, regulation, innovation).
James D. Feldman -- AI Concierge
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About: James D. Feldman, CSP, PCS, CPT, CITE, is the creator of Shift Happens! James D. Feldman, is a customer service expert who has spent over 30 years helping businesses create exceptional customer experiences. James is a renowned speaker, author, and consultant passionate about delivering practical strategies companies can use to win customers and keep them for life. With his engaging speaking style and wealth of experience, James can help your business take its customer service to the next level. He is the author of 13 books, delivered over 1,000 presentations and has written dozens of articles ranging from romance scams to innovative problem-solving to enriching the employee and customer experience. He has worked with various industries, including automotive, HBA, fast food, tourism, retail, hospitality, and healthcare.
Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert
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About: Internationally acclaimed innovation and growth expert Val Wright was named as one of the top 50 resources for Chief Operating Officers by ClickSoftware. She is one of only 64 experts inducted into the Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame. The global clients who have requested her help include Starbucks, LinkedIn, Amazon, francesca’s, Microsoft, Financial Times, Gartner, and the LA Lakers. Val’s corporate experience includes tenures during dramatic growth periods at Amazon, BMW, and Xbox. Val participated on the small team that created the fastest-selling device of all time, Kinect for Xbox, which won a Guinness Book of World Record, selling over 20 million devices. This contributed to the turnaround of Microsoft’s Entertainment business from a billion-dollar loss to a multimillion-dollar profit machine. Val’s books include Thoughtfully Ruthless, Rapid Growth Done Right, and Words That Work. She is a regular contributor on CNBC, WSJ, BBC News, Fox Business News, Inc. Magazine.
Cochran, Kroll and Associates
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About: About Cochran, Kroll & Associates -- The Law Offices of Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. is dedicated to representing individuals and families who have suffered catastrophic losses as a result of injuries, disabilities and death. The firm does not represent insurance companies or corporations but instead bases its practice upon representing individuals and families. The firm does not charge clients a fee unless a recovery is made. For a free consultation call 800-322-5543 or visit
Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source
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About: Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) is the author /co-author of 5 books to include, 'Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere...8 keys to creating enduring connections with customers, co-workers - even kids'. His keynotes and seminars focus on getting along, building positive workplace relationships, people skills,dealing with and managing change, and how to build instant rapport, relationships and connect. He has been on numerous televison and radio shows as well as in the print media. Shows include the CBS evening news, ABC world morning news, USA Today, and others. He is a regular guest talking about relationship and people skills issues on Sirrus Radio and Family Net Television.
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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About: Looking for someone to give you 'The Why' behind what's happening and what's next? Gioia can do that for you. High content thought leader and Celebrity Futurist who will demystify complicated workforce and workplace issue and trends. Available 24/7, highly responsive and deadline-sensitive. Articulate Certified Management Consultant, she's upbeat about the future, with a realistic focus on employee turnover, labor shortages, corporation of the future, and similar current issues. Author of recent books on management and near-term future, including 'Impending Crisis,' 'How to Become an Employer of Choice,' 'Lean & Meaningful,'and 'How to Choose Your Next Employer.' The Herman Group helps organizations and their leaders prepare for tomorrow. Gioia has been on local and national TV more than 70 times and is often quoted in the national media, like TIME, Wall Street Journal, and the Christian Science Monitor.
Dr. Nilda Perez -- Futurist, Business Foresight Strategist, Speaker, Author
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About: Dr. Nilda Perez is an expert futurist, speaker, mentor, trainer, author, and talk show host. Her expertise consists of delving into the trends that shape the future. She prepares entrepreneurs and organizations become future conscious and as a result positioning themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Through foresight business owners discover the opportunities available to them and create breakthrough ideas, initiatives and implement proven business strategies. Dr. Nilda is dedicated to prepare entrepreneurs to become future conscious to design their desired future and catapult their business. Foresight Dr. Nilda Perez is an academically trained Futurist with a Doctorate in Strategic Foresight from Regent University. She is Deputy Director of Global Marketing Outreach of the Association of Professional Futurists. And an adjunct professor at Indiana Wesleyan University's DeVoe School of Business. A Certified Coach specializing in Business Strategies, Executive and Professional Coaching.
Robert Toporek -- TeamChildren - Youth Charity
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About: From High touch to high tech TeamChildren's mission is to ensure that every family and their children have the tools, training, opportunities, and technology to transform their academic, economic, social and physical futures. Teamchildren is on the leading edge of transforming early childhood growth and development. We have through extraordinary teamwork distributed over 18,000 low cost refurbished computers to families and organizations around the world. Teamchildren believes has demonstrated and documented that every baby/child will benefit from massage and Rolfing. We are currently working on raising $500,000 to fully fund and staff our expanded and deepening impact and to turn our founder's knowledge and skills over to the next generation.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
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About: Mitchell P. Davis won the Georgetown University Bunn Award for Excellence in Journalism and graduated from their business school. Started his PR business in 1984 with publication of the Talks Show Guest Directory. Served on the board of the National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts. Now in it’s 37 annual edition the Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons has been requested by tens of thousands of journalists. See and download a free copy of the 37th Yearbook of Experts at -- his website: hosts all the expert profiles and hundreds of thousands of news releases. His resources are loved by the new media. --- The New York Times called it: 'Dial-an-Expert.' The Associated Press called it: 'An Encyclopedia of Sources,' and PRWEEK called it: 'a dating service of PR.' He also founded The News Council, to help non-profit groups use the power of his networking.
Christopher Bauer, Ph.D. -- Business Ethics Training
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About: Ethics expert Dr. Christopher Bauer's training as a clinical psychologist gives him a unique perspective on how individuals manage matters of ethics. It also allows him to provide equally unique commentary and analysis. As a speaker, seminar leader and consultant, he helps individuals and organizations make more ethically-informed decisions while maximizing their bottom line. Bauer Ethics Seminars provides keynotes, breakouts, seminars, retreats, and consultation. Each helps individuals, teams and organizations take effective responsibility for 'walking the talk' of ethical behavior as well as improving their bottom line through improved leadership and management skills.
InfoCommerce Group -- Specialized Business Information Publishing Expert
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About: InfoCommerce Group Inc.(ICG) is the leading consulting, publishing, conference and research company focused on the data publishing industry. Our tagline, 'Defining the possible ... delivering the practical,' reflects our position of thought leadership within the industry, balanced by many years of front line experience. Our visionary outlook and real-world expertise has been employed by nearly 30 database publishers of all types and sizes in nearly a dozen countries.
Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
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About: Marsha Egan, CPCU, PCC, CSP is an ICF board certified workplace productivity and success skills coach. Celebrated speaker, facilitator, coach, author, and internationally recognized e-mail productivity expert, she has coached leaders from some of the country's top companies and built a thriving coaching practice. Named one of PA's 50 Best Women in Business, she brings over twenty-five years of outstanding corporate and volunteer experience to her workplace productivity and career coaching firm, The Egan Group, Inc. Having been interviewed in countless media outlets, incl ABC Nightly News, CNN, and USA Today, she is internationally sought as an expert source.
Mikki Williams. CSP, CPAE
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About: Mikki Williams, CSP, Hall of Fame, TEDx speaker, chosen as one of the best speakers in the country by Meetings and Convention Magazine. Award-winning speaker for Vistage International, Master Chair of executive advisory boards, global celebrity speaker, transformational syoryteller, executive speech coach, creator of Speakers School , Keynote Kamp and The Mikki Mouth Club. Mikki has spoken in every US state, every Canadian province, every continent except Antarctica… where she can't wear her stiletto's.
Mellanie True Hills -- Health and Productivity Expert -- StopAfib
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About: This best-selling author is your internationally-recognized expert on heart disease, wellness, workplace productivity, stress, life balance, and women's business success. As founder of the American Foundation for Women's Health, she saves lives by sharing her near-death experiences with heart disease and stroke and launched to advocate for patients with atrial fibrillation, a life-threatening irregular heartbeat. Her successful track record as transformation agent includes being a high-tech executive and an Internet pioneer (Dell, Cisco, JCPenney).
The Kevin Eikenberry Group
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About: Kevin Eikenberry is a Leadership and Remote/Hybrid Work Expert, Virtual Speaker, Trainer, Author and Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group and co-founder of The Remote Leadership Institute. For over 30 years, The Kevin Eikenberry Group has been a thought-leader in leadership learning, specializing in creating and developing organizational leaders at every level - from new supervisors to C-level executives. Through our workshops, suite of leadership products and resources, blogs, podcast, webinars and e-learning, we can help you tackle nearly any leadership development issue, from training new supervisors to teaching leaders how to effectively communicate with remote employees. Whether it's through our training, consulting, coaching or speaking services, we help leaders make a bigger difference for their organizations, their teams, and themselves.
Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
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About: Linda Popky, President of Leverage2Market Associates, Inc. is a senior marketing professional, author, speaker, and educator who helps transform organizations through powerful marketing results. Leverage2Market works with a wide range of organizations from startups and small businesses to Fortune 100 companies to get the best possible return on each marketing investment. She is an executive director of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting.
Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives
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About: Imagine you deliver a presentation, and you get second place . . . don’t want to think that? Think no longer. Look no further than Presentation Excellence – the ultimate provider of mission-critical presentations, leadership, and strategic services for executives who demand excellence. This is the key you’ve been looking for and want to win the deal. We’ve won sales opportunities exceeding $100 million by mastering their content, strategy, and presentation. At Presentation Excellence, we use the ADAP (Audience Driven Authentic Presentations) formula to persuade the audience to buy your service product and idea. Join us and experience the excellence that only Presentation Excellence can provide! If you're looking for strategic leadership, join us at Today, 45,000 CEOs and executives use it to make better decisions leading to better results. The average member company grows 2.2X faster than competitor! If you want to be a transformative leader, let's talk.
Dorian Mintzer, Ph.D. BCC -- Retirement Expert
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About: Dorian (aka Dori) Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D.,BCC, is a Licensed Psychologist, Board Certified Coach and Retirement Expert. She provides Speaking, Workshop Facilitation, Psychotherapy, Career, Life and Retirement Transition Coaching, Couples Relationship Coaching and Executive Coaching. She is a member of the National Speakers Association and the Life Planning Network. She is a sought after speaker and workshop facilitator. She's been featured on The Today Show, ABC Evening News and NPR as well as in a variety of media such as the WSJ, NYTimes, USAToday, Washington Post, and the Fiscal Times. She facilitates workshops and speaks to community and professional groups on topics such as the changing landscape of retirement, mid-life issues for individuals and couples, psychology of money, spirituality, and positive psychology/positive aging. She is co-author of The Couple's Retirement Puzzle: 10 Must-Have Conversations for Creating an Amazing New Life Together and a contributor to a number of additional books.
Janice Litvin -- Wellness & Burnout Speaker
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About: Janice Litvin is on a mission to help leaders and teams banish burnout in their organizations. She does this through keynote speeches, workshops, and accountability groups. Her book, Banish Burnout Toolkit, helps teams learn how to change their behavior in reaction to stress from the inside, out. And her newest book, 'Banish Organizational Burnout: 26 Tips for Managers' helps leaders and middle managers cultivate a burnout-free organization. As an award-winning speaker, certified virtual presenter, and official SHRM Recertification Provider, she wants to help as many people as possible take care of their physical and mental health, including teaching them to manage stress to prevent burnout. In these ways, she is helping people change their lives. She has developed unique strategies to maximize engagement in workplace wellness.
Frank DiBartolomeo -- Presentation Coach For Technical Professionals
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About: Frank is a presentation coach for technical professionals. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association. He has developed and honed his extensive public speaking abilities over his 40-year career, both in military service, as a contractor, and business owner. Because of his outstanding work in the field of public speaking and leadership, in 2002, Frank was awarded Toastmasters International’s highest individual award - Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). He formed DiBartolomeo Consulting International (DCI), LLC in 2007. The mission of DCI is to help technical professionals to inspire, motivate, and influence their colleagues and other technical professionals through improving their presentation skills, communication, and personal presence. Frank DiBartolomeo is also a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. His expertise as an engineer and technical leader in the military and industry led to a variety of leadership assignments
Anne Nordhaus-Bike - Artist
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About: Award-winning artist Anne Nordhaus-Bike paints colorful, calming watercolors inspired by nature. She loves color, texture, and handmade papers, and her flower paintings capture moments of vibrant stillness and beauty. Her work reflects an underlying spirituality infused with the wisdom of nature and seasonal cycles. Collectors love her paintings for their joy, the healing peace they inspire, and the artistry that informs each brushstroke. Anne specializes in watercolor paintings on handmade paper, hand mounted in the traditional Asian style and uniquely custom framed by professional framers. Anne’s art has appeared in numerous solo and group shows as well as many arts programs, presentations, and performances. Her work has been published in periodicals and books; covered in numerous print publications; and featured in broadcast media, both on television and feature films. She earned a degree in art history and has won multiple awards for arts writing.
Maura Thomas -- Productivity Expert
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About: Maura Thomas helps busy professionals and teams discover how attention management, rather than time management, is the new path to productivity. She's ranked #8 Time Management Professional in the world for 2024 by Global Gurus, and she's been invited to share her proprietary Empowered Productivity™ System training and keynotes at hundreds of small- and medium-sized businesses in addition to th...
Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance
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About: Improving the quality of employee's lives is one of the best things a business can do for their employees and their business. Believe it or not, getting rid of physical and digital clutter is one of the more effective actions a business leader can take to categorically increase profits and improve the quality of the lives of their employees. Unquestionably, clutter is bad for business. It not only slows your employees down, it weighs them down. They are less productive than they would like to be, and as a result, less happy than they would like to be. Over time, this emotional baggage not only costs businesses a lot of money, but hurts employees in just about every way, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. They tend to feel tired, overwhelmed and constantly stressed out.
Contented Cow Partners, LLC -- Workplace Experts
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About: Employee Recruiting and Retention rank among the top worries of business leaders today. Richard Hadden offers fad-free advice on how to attract, retain, and engage the people you need working in your organization. Richard Hadden and Bill Catlette wrote the book, literally, on the connection between people practices and profit performance - Contented Cows STILL Give Better Milk. Based on years of research on the leadership and employee relations practices of some of America's best managed companies, plus 45 years' combined management experience, we address and can comment knowledgeably on: workplace issues, turnover, morale, leadership, retention, recruitment, and HR best practices.
Robert Siciliano -- Cyber Security Expert Speaker
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About: Cyber Security Expert Speaker, Author and Television News Correspondent. ROBERT SICILIANO, CEO of is fiercely committed to informing, educating, and empowering Americans so they can be protected from violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds. His 'tell it like it is' style is sought after by major media outlets, executives in the C-Suite of leading corporations, meeting planners, and community leaders to get the straight talk they need to stay safe in a world in which physical and virtual crime is commonplace. Siciliano is accessible, real, professional, and ready to weigh in and comment at a moment's notice
Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization
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About: ERGO is a non-profit research group studying the subtleties and complexities of euthanasia (help with a good death) so it can be carefully carried out as and when the law permits. Journalist and author Humphry has campaigned since l978 for a dying person's right to medical assisted suicide, also self-deliverance if no lawful means is available to a terminally ill adult who is of sound mind. He became involved in the right-to-die issue when he published 'Jean's Way' -- an account of helping his dying first wife to bring her life to a peaceful end. Derek Humphry (president), who founded the original Hemlock Society in l980, also authored the bestseller how-to suicide guide, Final Exit, which sells in 12 languages. In 2017 Humphry published his life story 'Good Life, Good Death: The Memoir of a Right to Die Pioneer' (Carrel Books, NY)
Dr. Lisa M. Aldisert -- Leadership is a Mindset
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About: Dr. Lisa Aldisert believes that leadership is a mindset. That’s why as an executive advisor, she teaches leaders to embrace leadership in from the practical to the conceptual. Working closely with her clients, Aldisert helps develop leaders' ability to build character, trust instincts, leverage communication skills, enhance original thinking and respect time. When these leadership skills are unleashed, leaders have less fear, more wins and overall greater velocity in their careers. She works primarily with entrepreneurs, executives, business owners and practice professionals. Dr. Aldisert is available to comment on Leadership is a Mindset as well as executive women in business, family-owned enterprises and the changing face of the United States workforce. She is the author of 'Valuing People: How Human Capital Can Be Your Strongest Asset' and 'Leadership Reflections - 52 Leadership Practices in the Age of Worry.'
Kathryn Troutman - Federal Career Coach(r)
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About: Kathryn Troutman can answer your questions regarding how people land Competitive Federal Jobs via USAJOBS.GOV, Political Appointments with the Biden-Harris Administration, Senior Executive Service jobs in Government. This year will be a banner year for all Federal jobs! And with COVID-19 Federal response, more agencies will be hiring for many positions - Public Health, Medical / Healthcare, Cyber, IT, Logistics, Finance, Accounting! The author of seven books on federal jobhunting, she's also the Federal Career Coach for individuals seeking first-time federal careers! An engaging and energetic media guest, Troutman has been interviewed on NPR, the Washington Post's 'Federal Diary Live On-line,' and radio stations across the country. In addition, she trains and certifies career counselors and military transition counselors in Ten Steps to a Federal Job(r).

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Anne Nordhaus-Bike - Artist
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Maura Thomas -- Productivity Expert
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
Joe Sutherland
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
Janice Litvin -- Wellness & Burnout Speaker

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Scholarly Journal Publishes My Article-Puts Women Leaders Back In Spotlight Anne Nordhaus-Bike - Artist
The Budapest Memorandum is one of the worst agreements ever signed in history Patrick Asare -- Author of 'The Boy from Boadua'
CRM: The One Source of Truth Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital
Top of Mind Thursday – March 20, 2025: Interesting Times Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
Are we witnessing the emergence of another Team Transitory? Patrick Asare -- Author of 'The Boy from Boadua'
Ev Williams — The Art of Pivoting (e.g., Odeo to Twitter), Strategic Quitting, The Dangers of Premature Scaling, Must-Read Books, and More (#800) Tim Ferriss - Productivity, Digital Lifestyles and Entrepreneurship
Managers Are Accountable Too Dr. Lisa M. Aldisert -- Leadership is a Mindset
Smart Pricing Strategies: Navigating Rising Costs Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives
Is Russia still a gas station masquerading as a country? Patrick Asare -- Author of 'The Boy from Boadua'
How To Build a Strong Slip and Fall Case in Michigan Cochran, Kroll and Associates

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