Home > NewsRelease > Might innovation be the only way to emerge better on the other side of COVID?
Might innovation be the only way to emerge better on the other side of COVID?
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Atlanta, GA
Wednesday, July 8, 2020


First, I trust all of you are safe, or have a path to safety.

Alan Weiss, one of my mentors, suggests the only business decision now that will work is innovation. It is not the time to hunker down only or coast.

Additionally, we need to have some motion underway when we want to restart. Will you have momentum if your business is at rest? Otherwise, will you be able to see what is coming, or will people be blinded by the light?

Innovation does not have to be high-tech only. It should come with realistic, plausible timeframes. When we created suitcases with wheels at TravelPro (There really was a time when you carried your suitcase in each hand.) or 99 cent hamburgers sold through the drive through window at Rally’s, these were both so radically different and innovative that no one believed they could possibly work.

You and I both are hearing more of the old cliché to use some of the time we now have to “work on the business, not in the business”.

Again, I trust you are safe and will see you on the other side of when COVID calms down enough for some version of moving forward again.

What can I do to help?  Glad to just be a friendly voice for a bad day, or a really great day.  678-319-4739.

Stay safe, Gary

Gary Patterson
FiscalDoctor, Inc.
678-319-4739    www.FiscalDoctor.com

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Name: Gary W. Patterson
Title: Trusted Advisor
Group: FiscalDoctor Inc.
Dateline: Alpharetta, GA United States
Direct Phone: 781-237-3637
Main Phone: 678-319-4739
Cell Phone: 781-237-3637
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