Saturday, June 9, 2012
What do a banjo player, a chainsaw juggler, a mobster, and a drunk all have in common? They've all been featured on the new "Weekly Mobile Home Park Funny", produced by and featured on their home page. Each one pokes humor at the mobile home park industry, or gives a creative lesson on key points of owning and operating a mobile home park.
The creation of Brandon Reynolds, the "Weekly Mobile Home Park Funny" has a unique mission. "We wanted something that all mobile home park investors could look forward to each week - something unique that relates to the industry", said Reynolds. "I don't think you'll find anything else like this on the internet - certainly not in commercial real estate". is owned by Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds, the 28th largest owners of mobile home parks in the U.S. Started as a hobby, it has grown over time into the largest provider of content in the mobile home park industry, offering factual reference books and classes that have educated investors, appraisers, bankers, and others in the acquisition and operation of mobile home parks.
To view the "Weekly Mobile Home Park Funny" go to and scroll down the home page to the bottom right.