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New Leadership Book Released
Arlen Burger Ph.D. -- Organizational Psychologist Arlen Burger Ph.D. -- Organizational Psychologist
San Francisco, CA
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Pedal to the Metal

If you just keep pace, you will lose the race. In today's rapidly evolving, globally connected business world, leaders have to become comfortable driving in the fast lane all the time. The need to accelerate touches all types of leaders and organizations whether they are in non-profit, academic, or commercial enterprises.

Pedal to the Metal Leadership is the flight manual for faster leaders. It is full of tips, strategies, and advice to help you accelerate your leadership. The focus is on "smart speed". It is not about being reactionary or just moving quickly; it is about cultivating agility and the ability to be strategic.

Pedal to the Metal Leadership offers valuable insights into how to speed up your organization and win the race.

You'll learn about the four factors that drive speed including:

  • Navigation-the leader's ability to chart a course through a chaotic environment
  • Energy-the motivational fuel that the leader taps into to drive performance.
  • Optimization-the leader's drive for continual improvement.
  • Resistance-the fundamental force that slows everything down.

You will get to refine your FASTER leader skills including:

  • Focus-concentrate on the critical path
  • Alignment-every part of the organization needs to be in synch
  • Time management-the most important discipline of the faster leader
  • Self-awareness-the key to understanding your impact on others.

You will get the opportunity to evaluate yourself on the top ten faster leader roles that are key to success including:

  • Chief Perspective Officer-provides context and frameworks
  • Chief Time Manager-ensures time is spent wisely
  • Chief Recruiting Officer-builds a talent pipeline.

You'll get the opportunity to learn from individuals who push the limits of performance and have the right stuff. A common trait these speed burners possess is they get the most from everything they touch.

Leaders, start your engines.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Arlen Burger Ph.D.
Dateline: Santa Cruz, CA United States
Direct Phone: 408-483-1800
Main Phone: (530) 224-1996
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