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New book follows a poignant, inspiring journey through the struggles of assisted living
Olson Communications_ Inc. -- Food Industry Communications Strate Olson Communications_ Inc. -- Food Industry Communications Strate
Chicago, IL
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Contact: Clare McFadden                                                                                                              Sharon Olson

              (312) 280-4573                                                                                                445 W. Erie, Suite 109

              Clarem@olsoncom.com                                                                                           Chicago, IL 60654


My Mother Is Not a Geranium!

New book follows a poignant, inspiring journey through the struggles of assisted living

Chicago, IL – (July 9, 2009) – When author Sharon Olson decided to move her mother into an assisted living residence, she was expected to be just another lovely geranium flower who did not talk to the more independent residents who freely left the property for walks and were only too happy to share the codes or hold the doors open. But the author firmly declares My Mother Is Not a Geranium and shares the poignant and inspiring story of their everyday struggles with assisted living.

The decision to move your loved one into an assisted living residence is a heart-wrenching, difficult one. My Mother Is Not a Geranium follows the true and inspiring journey of a sweet little mom and her 50-something daughter who struggled to understand the shocking realization of the mom's diminished ability to deal with everyday life. Being in an assisted living home does not make one an invalid. In fact, the author reveals that her mom is fun and smart, and she cares about lots of things! She is not some pretty flower that you dress up and medicate!

Assisted living is a great way to cut the emotional costs of home care, but be prepared to pay dearly. The for-profit assisted-living lifestyle is well packaged to appear like a very positive choice to loved ones to assuage their guilt and justify the cost. Empathy has a high price in assisted living. However, if you look at assisted living as an extension of your home, it can be an excellent lifestyle choice where your loved one can thrive, and you can enjoy peace of mind and joy. It can be expensive and time-consuming to find the right connection, but if you can afford it, you get lots of quality time with your loved one.

Written with humor and compassion, My Mother Is Not a Geranium gives you the inside scoop on assisted living with stories that are funny, frightening, heartbreaking and hopeful all at the same time. Tag along with Olson on her poignant journey and discover some very practical advice for those confronted with the trials and joys of everyday life with aging parents! Learn how to keep assisted living expenses to a minimum and cut down on unnecessary services. Be involved in daily decisions and pamper your loved with visits, little outings and even parties! Laugh and cry with Olson as you come to understand why she chose to call their story – My Mother Is Not a Geranium.

About the Author

Sharon Olson has run her own successful communications agency for over 20 years, and she has taken those same skills at communication and business management and applied them to the most important and most rewarding project of her life, her mother. Her instincts, tenacity and sense of self were challenged continuously by well meaning professionals who treat senior adults with cookie cutter treatments and palliative care. She and some of the truly caring professionals who provide the hands on care for those in need have changed the way of thinking about getting older and getting better.

For more information visit the website at www.seniorlivingguru.com. Copies of My Mother Is Not a Geranium can be purchased on Xlibris.com, Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Sharon M. Olson
Title: President
Group: Olson Communications, Inc.
Dateline: Chicago, IL United States
Direct Phone: 312-280-4573
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