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No Cost Professional Development Using Squirrel Sense
Francie Dalton -- Certified Managment Consultant Francie Dalton -- Certified Managment Consultant
Columbia, MD
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September is Professional Development month. "For many of my clients, intense competition for scarce resources cannibalized funds for such initiatives long ago. But substantive professional development can occur even when there is no funding." says Francie Dalton, President of Dalton Alliances, Inc. "That's right: no money doesn't have to mean no professional development."

How is this possible? Consider one of the most at risk mammals on the planet: squirrels. They face omnipresent, intense competition for all resources within a context of perpetually threatening socioeconomic conditions. Yet many of their behaviors exemplify that rebounding from tough times is, ultimately, a function of one's resourcefulness.

Whatever you're grappling with today, consider developing a bit of Squirrel Sense. Emulating the resourcefulness of these "dumb" little creatures. Want to learn how do to so? Visit us at www.daltonalliances.com to read the 15 examples. It may be the smartest professional development initiative you could undertake – and it's free!

Francie Dalton is founder and president of Dalton Alliances, Inc., a premier business consultancy specializing in the communication, management and behavioral sciences. For more information, call 410-715-0484 or visit www.daltonalliances.com.

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Name: Megan Wanner
Title: Marketing Associate
Group: Dalton Alliances
Dateline: Columbia, MD United States
Direct Phone: 410.715.0484
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