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No-till farmer fast track to 5% or greater soil organic matter
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
Atlanta, GA
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Helping Regenerative Agriculture | Fertilizer | No-Till Farmers | Sustainability | Organic Matter
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No-till farmers, strip-till farmers, conventional farmers , organic farmers, agronomists, crop consultants and cooperatives

December 26, 2020 Atlanta GA  We can provide access to this new agricultural formula.

Farmers have a choice to either sit on the sideline and watch their money disappear with excessive nutrient use while their neighbor prospers with THIS FORMULA – or know that in 2 years with THIS FORMULA farmers can be in a much better position to greatly enjoy their farm and shop and machinery and also free up more time with the family.

These days it's nearly impossible to have a day pass by without hearing or seeing the word "sustainable". By now you may be thinking that sustainability is our lifeboat, our "Noah's Ark" to the future. And, it may be...

Even more so, sustainability on the farm is of utmost importance as high soil organic matter has become the new frontier and near impossible to avoid. Many are becoming aware that soil security is equal to food security and one of our biggest global challenges – that also offers enormous opportunity for farmers. Healthy soil also helps combat global warming and reduce environmental toxicity, and the list doesn't end there as you already know.

Thanks to our wealth of current farm technology we can use applications and methods unheard of decades ago or even just a few years ago. Standing out among all the agtech product releases is a show-stopper tagged THIS FORMULA. It may be bigger than the introduction of hybrid corn in the 1920s. Watch for this one.

Here's what fertilizer companies don't want farmers to know: Through field trials Illinois and Colorado farmers confirm THIS FORMULA claims are true. Proven by Illinois and Colorado farmers to deliver no yield loss when applying 83% less nutrients in corn and wheat field trials. When farmers combine THIS FORMULA with nutrients it can be their next big step toward that 5% and higher SOM sustainable farm.

For the time being, farmers may want to stop tinkering around with machinery mods, planting procedures, inputs, drones, etc. when they can invest less than $2 acre and return $90 (may be more or less for other row and specialty crops). Plus, THIS FORMULA is simple and can make a farmer's life a little easier.

Farmers would be hard-pressed to find an ag product coming close to the return-on-investment (ROI) that THIS FORMULA can give them – with a lot less effort and a fraction of the upfront cost. Farmers who first field trialed THIS FORMULA were leery because the claims seemed too good to be true, but now these same farmers realize it works just as described. THIS FORMULA can be used with chemical, microbial and organic applications in no-till, strip-till and conventional farming.

If you want to learn more, contact Gary Patterson President, FiscalDoctor Inc. 678-319-4739.

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Name: Gary W. Patterson
Title: Trusted Advisor
Group: FiscalDoctor Inc.
Dateline: Alpharetta, GA United States
Direct Phone: 781-237-3637
Main Phone: 678-319-4739
Cell Phone: 781-237-3637
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