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Pension Risk Governance Blog Still Going Strong After Nine Years
Susan Mangiero, PhD, CFA, CFE, FRM, PPC Susan Mangiero, PhD, CFA, CFE, FRM, PPC
New York, NY
Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Nine years today marked the debut of www.pensionriskmatters.com. Since then, its creator, Dr. Susan Mangiero, is proud to say that traffic has steadily grown, with continued feedback and suggestions about all sorts of topics. While the specific feedback tends to vary by issue or job function, a central theme is clear. Ongoing education about topics such as due diligence, fees, risk management, asset allocation, hedge funds, liquidity and valuation is both needed and desired. In 2015, this award-winning blog will continue its focus on providing objective and helpful information about important subjects that challenge investment stewards and their advisors, attorneys and regulators who oversee the management of $30 trillion in assets.

As she points out in Financial Expert Susan Mangiero Celebrates Ninth Year as Lead Contributor to Pension Risk Governance Blog, "There is never a shortage of subjects to discuss, thanks to ongoing suggestions and contributions from readers and the significant realities of changing demographics, market volatility and new accounting rules."

To date, there are over 900 published analyses, research updates and guest interviews that can be readily accessed by category and keyword. Simply click on the Archives section of www.pensionriskmatters.com. For a complimentary subscription to this blog, as posts are published, click here to sign up. Click here to read the Privacy Policy. If you are interested in contributing an educational essay or letting www.pensionriskmatters.com know about a relevant news item or rule change, please email contact@fiduciaryleadership.com.

Fiduciary Leadership, LLC is an investment risk governance and forensic economic analysis consulting company. Clients include asset managers, transactional attorneys, litigation attorneys, regulators and institutional investors.

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Name: Susan Mangiero
Group: Fiduciary Leadership, LLC
Dateline: Trumbull, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-261-5519
Cell Phone: 203-556-2309
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