Contact: Joyce Hoff
856-751-6141 (NJ)
Any time there's a big election looming – whether it's a nationwide
presidential contest or a controversial local race – it can be tempting to get into political discussions at work. After all, you may figure, what's the harm in admitting who you think should win the election, or in giving your opinion about what should happen in Afghanistan?
"The problem is that people often have strong opinions when it comes to politics. And in today's super-charged political climate, it's easy to say something that might insult or enrage your boss, a customer or a co-worker," according to business etiquette expert Barbara Pachter, author of numerous books, including GREET! EAT! TWEET! She adds, "Political discussions can quickly and easily escalate into arguments, sometimes heated ones."
Yet it's frequently hard to avoid such discussions, particularly during major elections, as we are bombarded with political ads day and night. Pachter suggests that when you consider the consequences of discussing the following questions – they should persuade you not to ask them, or answer them.
1. "Who are you going to vote for?"
Never ask this question! You may get an answer you did not expect, or want. Your opinion of that person may be altered permanently – and often negatively, if he or she is not voting for your candidate.
2. "Who do you think won the debate?"
If a public or televised debate between candidates triggers a discussion in the office, you and your colleague may have very different opinions about who answered questions effectively or who looked good behind the podium. Arguing these points usually will not resolve anything. If a colleague keeps pushing his/her opinion, you can say, "Let's agree to disagree," and change the subject.
3. "How can you possibly vote for____?"
Asking this question is not just commenting on the person's choice, it is putting the person down. Discussions can quickly become ugly after that!
4. "Don't you think the candidate's stance on ______ is outrageous?"
Using strong negative language to discuss an issue can come across as "fighting words" to others. If you want to comment on an issue, a better way to word your disagreement would be, "I disagree with the candidate's position on _____because of_____."
Others may ask you questions like these to draw you into a political discussion. Remember, you don't have to answer every question asked of you. Change the topic, or quickly excuse yourself from the conversation. You can also be assertive, and politely tell the person, "I'm uncomfortable discussing this at work. Let's get back to business."
Barbara Pachter is a speaker, coach and author of numerous business books, including The Power of Positive Confrontation and When the Little Things Count.
Pachter specializes in business etiquette and communication for companies worldwide. Her client list features major organizations, including Microsoft, Pfizer, Chrysler, Cisco and ConEdison.
For a review copy of GREET! EAT! TWEET! 52 Business Etiquette Postings To Avoid Pitfalls & Boost Your Career, contact: Joyce Hoff, 856.751.6141, or
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