Home > NewsRelease > Presentation Excellence Announces “Better Way” Executive Webinar Schedule
Presentation Excellence Announces “Better Way” Executive Webinar Schedule
Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives
New York, NY
Thursday, February 12, 2015


New York, NY. February 12, 2015 – The Presentation Excellence Group, a leading resource center for strategic leadership and business development services, today announced that its Better Way Workshops and Webinars affiliate will broadcast a Spring 2015 series of informative executive webinars for executives who appreciate new ideas and perspectives in order to become even more successful. This complimentary program places on 10 consecutive Wednesdays, beginning March 11 at 1-2 PM ET.


"Last fall, we introduced the 'Better Way" Webinars to educate and inspire executives," said Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D., Chairman of the Presentation Excellence Group. "By providing new mindsets, skill-sets and tools, as well as additional consulting and coaching as needed, we intend to help our audience realize their potential for success."


"Our programs focus on a wide range of issues to address the diversity of leadership and business challenges today's senior executives confront. Issues include strategy, culture, talent management, accountability, creativity and innovation, as well as new approaches to marketing, sales, presentation effectiveness, and thought leadership. We're honored to have experts within Presentation Excellence 'family' join us in this effort."


The Spring 2015 webinar schedule is as follows:

March 11:  How Business Valuations Work: Knowledge is Power and More Than EBITDA

March 18:  Project a Powerful Leader Presence at Board & Other Important Presentations

March 25:  Understand a Brand's Life Cycle to Ensure Maximum Marketing ROI

April 1:      Lead the Innovative Organization: Unleash & Sustain Creativity

April 8:      How to Create & Implement a High ROI Internship Program

April 15:    Success Requires the Right Strategy, Culture and Leadership\

April 22:    Use Commanding Strategies for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

April 29:    Get What You Want: Key Negotiation Strategies & Tactics

May  6:      Effective Rainmaking:  Harness the Power of Referral Marketing

May 13:    Enable Your Next Gen Leaders to Master Tomorrow's Challenges

To register for these no-cost webinars, visit www.BetterWayWorkshops.com/webinars.html


For more information, visit www.presentationexcellencegroup.com and contact 800-493-1334 or jerrycahn@presentationexcellencegroup.com.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: President & Managing Director
Group: Presentation Excellence Group
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