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Presentation Excellence Announces Presentation Mastery Workshop
Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives
New York, NY
Monday, December 8, 2014




Presentation Mastery Workshop Trains Executives to Present Like a Pro


New York, NY – December 4, 2014. Presentation Excellence, a leading provider of presentation training and strategic consulting services for executives, announced that a full-day Presentation Mastery Workshop will take place on January 23, 2015 in New York City.


The Presentation Mastery Workshops are designed for senior executives with sales, marketing, investor, management other leadership responsibilities. It focuses on five areas affecting presentation effectiveness:

  • SubstanceWhat's Important Now versus what's distractive clutter
  • Structure – Organizing content to flow to its logical conclusion: motivate action.
  • Style – Keeping language simple yet powerful, using attractive supportive visuals, be aligned with the speaker's style and resonate audience's needs.
  • Speaker skills –The presenter's goal is project a "leader presence" by being authentic to generate trust, communicating dynamically and connecting with the audience. To "sell your ideas", speakers need to exude competence and confidence, and transfer enthusiasm,
  • Setting – Consider the impact of time of day, place, relationship with audience and communication channel (face-to-face vs. virtual presentations) have on the presentation.


"We're scheduling this presentation early in the year, so leaders can improve their skills and be more effective in 2015, said Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D., president of Presentation Excellence who is leading the workshop. "One of the best ways to make the new year more successful is to be the most powerful presenter that you can be so you can close more deals and advance your career."


Presentation Excellence provides training and coaching to executives at investment banks, venture capital firms, Fortune 500 and other companies who are committed to creating and delivering winning presentations. An industry veteran, Dr. Cahn is the former CEO of Brilliant Image, a leading presentation graphics firm which had serviced 5000+ clients during 15 years, and past president of IAPP, the industry trade association. Today, he is also the Chairman of the Presentation Excellence Group, through which additional leadership and business development services are provided, including those for Vistage New York's CEOs and Trusted Advisors. Given his depth of experience and expertise, he is a sought-after public speaker, offering keynotes and Webinars on a wide range of topics. (See www.presentationexcellencegroup.com for more information.)


The program takes place over a four week period. Two weeks prior to attending the program, attendees submit a needs assessment survey and a sample PowerPoint to use in the workshop. At the workshop, the morning focuses on teaching the fundamentals of presentation effectiveness and address typical challenges faced by presenters. In the afternoon, attendees present their presentations, evaluates their delivery in light of what's already been learned, and get feedback from the group and the instructor. After the workshop, attendees have two weeks in which they can edit their presentations and submit them to Dr. Cahn for more feedback. Additional coaching for future presentations also is available.


To register for the program, visit http://presentationexcellence.com/prestraining.php. The Early Bird special allows people to register for only $795, a discount of $200 off the regular price


For more information, contact: Jerry Cahn at jerrycahn@presentationexcellence.com or 646-290-7664.


About Presentation Excellence

Presentation Excellence provides presentation training for executives who want to achieve excellence in their business and professional relationships.  The company offers three forms of presentation training: corporate workshops, open-to-the-public (Presentation Mastery) workshops, and one-on-one coaching. The company is a member of the Presentation Excellence Group which provides a range of strategic consulting services (see www.presentationexcellencegroup.com). The website also hosts a blog by the Chairman, Jerry Cahn, PhD., JD,. For additional information, contact 800-493-1334. 

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: President & Managing Director
Group: Presentation Excellence Group
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