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Presentation Excellence Announces Sept. 20 Training Workshop
Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives
New York, NY
Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Senior Executives Learn to Close More Deals, More Quickly

New York, NY – July 24, 2019. Presentation Excellence, a leading provider of presentation training and coaching for senior executives, today announced that a full-day Presentation Mastery Workshop will take place on September 20, 2019 in New York City.

"Today, more than ever, mastering the design and delivery phases of business presentations is critical," said Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D., President of Presentation Excellence and hands-on leader of the workshop. "In a highly competitive environment, where "buyers" have access to all kinds of technical information using the internet and product/service differentiation isn't fully understood, it's not just what you say, but how you say it that determines how people make final decisions. And that's the ultimate goal:  to "sell" your product or service, your idea and even yourself as a trusted, competent leader."

The Presentation Mastery Workshop is designed for senior executives with sales, marketing, investor, and other leadership responsibilities. It focuses on five areas affecting presentation effectiveness:

  • SubstanceWhat's Important Now versus what's distractive clutter
  • Structure – Organize content to flow to its logical conclusion: motivate decision-making and action
  • Style – Keep language simple yet powerful; use attractive supportive visuals, align with the speaker's communication style and resonate with the audience's needs.
  • Speaker skills –The presenter's goal is project a "leader presence" by being authentic to generate trust, communicating dynamically and connecting with the audience. To "sell your ideas", presenters need to exude competence and confidence, and transfer enthusiasm.
  • Setting – Consider the impact that time of day, place, relationship with audience and communication channel (face-to-face vs. virtual presentations) have on the presentation.

"Having supported over 5000 presenters during my career, I've seen it all when it comes to the design and delivery presentations; unfortunately, without coaching, things don't get better," Dr. Cahn continued. "Executives outline presentations and then delegate production to production-oriented staff or consultants who lack the skills to design powerful, engaging presentation. All too often, they're trying to fit content into a template rather than focusing on building one that compels audience action because it follows the ADAP (audience-driven, authentic presentation) formula. It shouldn't take 42 versions to build a powerful presentation; and when it does, don't be surprised if it fails to close the deal."

Before founding Presentation Excellence (see the About Us for why it was started!), Dr. Cahn was CEO of Brilliant Image, a leading presentation graphics firm that serviced 5000+ of the most demanding clients – executives at investment banks, VC firms, Fortune 500 firms and public companies doing IPOs and other road shows, etc.  He served president of IAPP (the International Association of Presentation Professionals), and helped set the standards for the industry. Today, he is also the Chairman of the Presentation Excellence Group which provides leadership and strategic business services. An attorney and psychologist by training, he shares his expertise and insights as a teacher for CUNY and USST (China) and keynote, workshop and webinar speaker. He also has a blog on the Presentation Excellence Group website.

The Presentation Mastery program takes place over four weeks. Two weeks prior to attending the workshop, attendees submit a needs assessment survey and a sample PowerPoint to use in the class. The morning session focuses on learning the fundamentals of presentation effectiveness and typical challenges. In the afternoon, attendees practice presenting and apply what they learned in the morning to critique presentations and delivery. After the workshop, attendees have two weeks in which to edit their presentations and get more feedback. Additional coaching for future presentations also is available.

To register for the program, visit http://presentationexcellence.com/prestraining.php. The cost of the program is $995; there is an early-bird discount of $200.

For more information, contact jerrycahn@presentationexcellence.com or contact 800-493-1334.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: President & Managing Director
Group: Presentation Excellence Group
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