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Presentation Excellence Launches Mentoring Internships Consulting Service
Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives
New York, NY
Friday, February 6, 2015


Enable Companies to Adopt Self-Sustainable, High ROI Mentoring Internship Programs


New York, NY. February 6, 2015 The Presentation Excellence Group today announced the formation of Mentoring Internships, a new consulting service specializing in helping companies adopt self-sustainable, high ROI mentoring internship programs.


"At this time of year, millions of students, from high school to graduate school, are applying for the limited number of internship positions available this summer," observed Jerry Cahn, Ph.D. J.D., Chairman of the Presentation Excellence Group.  "So this is the perfect time to launch Mentoring Internships and help companies recruit the best interns and structure programs which benefit not only the student but also the company, in terms of recruiting new talent, helping its employees be more productive, helping mentor/supervisors give-back, improve company brand value, and create young  'brand ambassadors'."


"As we noted last year, when we launched the advocacy group Mentor Our Kids, studies by Accenture, McKinsey and other companies, report that 50% of all college graduates are taking jobs not commensurate with the training they received. What a waste - from both the individual's and society's perspective;  we need to help young people find rewarding careers for everyone's sake! The most effective way to do so, is to increase, year-round, the number of interns who get exposure to career options. Today, high school and college students are eager to learn what is involved in a career in law, medicine, construction, plumbing, etc. and the sooner they do, the earlier they can start acquiring the skills and knowledge they need to land their jobs. Today, too many students lack access and too many employers aren't offering enough opportunities."


Dr. Cahn knows all about internships and mentoring. He has offered over 500 students, domestic and international, mentoring internships at almost all of the places that he worked. The ROI isn't just for students, but also for companies – through greater productivity, improved recruitment opportunities, enhanced company brand value, greater satisfaction by supervisors who "give-back" by mentoring and get to practice executive and supervisory skills.  He's also coordinated staff mentoring programs for companies in which the benefits accrue to Mentees, Mentors and the company as a whole. Hence the motto: everyone wins.


Dr. Cahn believes that the debate about intern-pay is misdirected. When a student is involved with clerical tasks that staff normally provide and he/she doesn't learn, that's not a mentoring internship and abuses the concept of internships. A mentoring internship's goal is learning.  Indeed, a study of college interns found that they overwhelmingly (68%!) would rather receive less pay in exchange for more experience.


"We help companies adopt the systems, procedures, social support mechanisms and evaluation tools that create self-sustainable, high ROI mentoring programs because most companies significantly under-perform when it comes to providing as many quality internship opportunities as their departments can," continued Dr. Cahn. "Our goal is to get thousands of companies involved and annually reach over one million students."


For more information, read the whitepaper 10BenefitsofMentoringInternshipPrograms.pdf, visit www.mentoringinternships.com, attend the upcoming webinar on Mentoring Internships (see the Better Way Spring Webinars),and contact Dr. Cahn at jcahn@MentoringInternships.com or 800 493 1334.


News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: President & Managing Director
Group: Presentation Excellence Group
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