Home > NewsRelease > Protecting the Nation’s Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Attack – A part of the 2nd stimulus package?
Protecting the Nation’s Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Attack – A part of the 2nd stimulus package?
Technolytics -- Strategic Issues Technolytics -- Strategic Issues
McMurray, PA
Monday, July 27, 2009

Concerns over the vulnerability of the nation's critical infrastructure have grown continuously, fueled by reports of hacking and cyber attacks in the U.S. and around the globe. Computers that run our nation's critical infrastructure are under relentless attacks from criminals, terrorist groups and rogue nation states. The problem in addressing the cyber security issues is expensive and largely thankless because no one can see, hear or feel many of the protective measures - so they go totally unnoticed. What is even worse is that many do not understand the seriousness and complexity of the problem, much less the solution.

In 2008 the Bush administration created a cyber security plan referred to as the Comprehensive National Cyber Security Initiative. This plan was a targeted effort to protect the nation's critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. The Obama administration has also taken steps along the same path. With talk of a possible second stimulus package the government has the opportunity to fund the significant efforts needed to defend these systems against cyber attacks. The Technolytics Institute, noted for its research in cyber terrorism, cyber crime and cyber warfare, created and released today an executive white paper addressing this issue. The paper was created to bring this issue front and center and to trigger the discussions necessary to move this matter forward in a timely fashion.


White Paper - http://www.technolytics.com/Second_Stimulus_Package_Critical_Infrastructure_Cyber_Protection.pdfand organized cyber attacks.

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