Wednesday, June 16, 2010
In her most recent video blog, Francie Dalton, CMC, president of Dalton Alliances, Inc., discusses with her IOM students Professionalism, what it is and what it isn?t. The responses will surprise you.
Press Contacts:
Andie Sugrue, Dalton Alliances, Inc., (304) 433-1960
About Francie Dalton, CMC:
Francie Dalton, CMC, is founder and president of Dalton Alliances, Inc., a Washington, DC?based consultancy specializing in the management, behavioral, and communication sciences. Dalton Alliances offers customized organizational and leadership assessments and follow-up services including business consulting, developmental workshops, leadership retreats, interventions, executive coaching, and professional speaking. Contact Francie at (410) 715-0484, or email her at