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“Reduction of Armies”
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Madison, WI
Thursday, October 6, 2022


"Reduction of Armies"

This is the second of three reasons Albert Nobel gives to award the Nobel Peace Prize.  The other two are for peace deals and peace congresses.  These other two reasons are temporary, ineffective, or short term.  My proof that military spending is nearly 100% a cause for economic stagnation and manufacturing job loss is far more important to achieving worldwide peace.  Peace deals that end wars are wonderful, but limited to one case at a time.  The economy is the key to national defense.  Withering away that economy over time leads to national security vulnerability.  High levels of military spending can cut a nation's economy in half in a generation.  No nation can afford that level of national weakness.  Major wars are every two generations.  Thus, worldwide reduction of armies will make all wars less likely and less dangerous.  Improving the entire world peace picture is far more powerful and enduring than merely fixing one war at a time.  Proof?  My 64-year model of USA manufacturing productivity is so perfect that its seven eight-to-ten-year periods correlate an amazing r=.999.  That does not happen by accident.  That is proof.  To two digits of accuracy r=.999 rounds to 100%.  This model proves the "no net economic benefit" of military spending.  The regional benefit of military spending is completely offset by the national loss of manufacturing jobs.  Both sectors are highly dependent on research and capital creating a zero-sum situation.  The model also confirms the 54-year Kondratiev cycle.  The model also shows the deficit is the only uplift that can cancel the downward military pressure, especially during World War Two.  The model, incidentally, confirms the accuracy of national economic statistics.  The model's accuracy would not be possible without being based on a foundation of accurate underlying data.  Case closed, give me the award. 

Hurricane Ian Proofs:

Hurricane Cycles Are Regional

Many Hurricanes will seem early or late in their cycles if all America is lumped together.  They are actually cyclical by targeted state or city, geography is destiny. 

Kondratiev Wave

Researchers long ago documented the 54-year cycle, but sloppily often consider it a 50-year cycle all too often.  50 years ignores the real accuracy of the cycle and shows the timidity of researchers.  Actually, the cycle reflects the driving force of a cooling and warming cycle planetwide, created by the differential evaporation rates over land (73%) and ocean (90%).  Thus, the continents warm faster than the oceans because there is less water over land to absorb all the incident solar radiation.  Energy balance is the driving force.   Economics and politics (war) are secondary results.  

Hurricane History

According to MSNBC, the top four costliest hurricanes to hit the USA are Katrina 2005 $186 Billion, Harvey 2017 $149 Billion, Maria 2017 $107 Billion, Sandy 2012 $82 Billion.  All four of these I wrote press releases about showing their Kondratiev bona fides.  The numbers aren't in yet, but Ian is somewhere on the top ten list, possibly fifth after these four despite missing the high population area of Tampa Bay.  Another list based on wind speed puts the 1969 Camille second all time and Ian is 53 years later.

Military Spending Summary:

The third most important finding about the military economy is the way military spending projects empire characteristics on a society.  Homicide rates being proportional to military spending is the strongest relationship, but politics and other social factors like mental health, teen births, prisoners, income inequality, and social mobility.  All these things emanate from or radiate from military spending as the prime cause of empire decay statistics.  Many people believe empires decay due to complacency and time.  But everything in my data sets and evaluations shows that empire decay is reversible when military spending is lowered, so it is not inevitable.  My theories clearly show there is a hard science backbone around which the social sciences and humanities need to be rebuilt around.  Einstein rhymes with Reuschlein and I share a birthday with Elvis and

Steven Hawking.  I am a scientist who can dance.

List of Main Findings and Claims:  


Please cite this work as follows:  Reuschlein, Robert. (2022, October 6), " 'Reduction of Armies' " Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute.  Retrieved from:  https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Reduction-of-Armies,2022276609.aspx

Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2022 with accelerating interest from the deciding Norwegians.  A consistently growing pattern shows intense interest in my work on my expertclick.com website; daily "hard looks" per year went from 2 to 3 to 48 to 128 to 200 to 322 to 346 by the October 7th, 2022 Nobel Peace Prize announcement time.

Contact: bobreuschlein@gmail.com 

Info: www.realeconomy.com

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Name: Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein
Title: Economics Professor
Group: Real Economy Institute
Dateline: Madison, WI United States
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