Home > NewsRelease > Remaining Human Despite The Robot Invasion
Remaining Human Despite The Robot Invasion
EYMER BRAND Laboratories & Think Tank EYMER BRAND Laboratories & Think Tank
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Scituate, MA
Friday, October 11, 2024


Ask any former toll booth operator or retired grocery store checkout person if the fear of a robot invasion is justified, and they will most definitely say YES! It's a fact that technology continues to edge closer and closer to territories traditionally dominated by humans. As professionals in marketing and design, we must adapt to these changes to stay relevant and competitive.

As a marketing communications strategist and graphic designer, I've learned to keep my cool in the face of technological hiccups. This ability to stay calm and collected is crucial in maintaining focus and problem-solving abilities.

Here are my four Greatest Tips:

  1. Keep an eye on technology and constantly search for ways to improve your processes. This is not to be confused with cutting corners; it is all about working smarter. Allow technology to handle the mundane tasks and save your human energy for creativity.

  2. Embrace technology and become technologically savvy. In my experience, computers usually crash during critical project steps and well after midnight. Printers and projectors wait until just minutes before a major presentation before imploding. Know your machines enough to get them back up and running.

  3. When your presentation is dependent on a projector, bring an extra bulb and, to be totally safe, enough printed copies for audience distribution.

  4. Always wear socks to a crucial in-person meeting. If the power goes out, you can always use them as puppets.

When all else fails, breathe!

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Douglas D. Eymer
Title: Creative Director
Group: EYMER BRAND Laboratories
Dateline: Scituate, MA United States
Direct Phone: 781.383.8844
Cell Phone: 617-510-8879
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