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Responding to Acts of Cyber Terrorism
Technolytics -- Strategic Issues Technolytics -- Strategic Issues
McMurray, PA
Monday, May 23, 2011

The Technolytics Institute is pleased to announce the launch a new course titled: Cyber Terrorism Response – program is now available. We have programs that specifically address the Office of Emergency Services and Emergency Responders as well as one for critical infrastructure providers. Our program formats include a 1-Day on sight delivery mode and a distance learning delivery mode as well. Our highly successful pilot program returned the following feedback and comments.

• Really amazing information incredible amount of knowledge

• Enlightening – would like to know more about cyber defenses

• I learned more than I thought. I am hoping I can get this at our local department since we have a nuclear plant water treatment facilities and neighboring department who need this.

Cyber terrorism is now viewed as a critical component of a comprehensive national security strategy. This program examines the current international and domestic issues as they might apply to acts of cyber terrorism, and uses cyber terrorist attack summaries to evolve the student's thinking into real-world insights. Given the recent warnings of potential acts of cyber terrorism after Osama Bin Laden's death, it is important that the military homeland security community and emergency responders develop the skills needed to counter the threat of cyber terrorism.

Purchase At http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00522R3J2

PRICE $149.00 USD

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