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Scott Meyers, ‘Once I bought my first self-storage property, I never looked back’
Platinum Properties Investor Network Platinum Properties Investor Network
Irvine, CA
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Creating Wealth Show
Scott Meyers, an expert on self-storage, is interviewed by Jason Hartman on the Creating Wealth Show during episode 168. Meyers speaks on the ins and outs of self-storage investing and explains that the majority of investors aren't even focusing on self-storage properties.

Due to its economies of scale and low-risk attributes, Meyers prefers self-storage to single-family homes and apartment complexes. He points to the fact that during economic booms and busts, self-storage has historically been very stable. Self-storage tenants continue to consume and have nowhere to put all of their stuff in booms, and during busts, the overall rise of the rent class means people move much more often and need a place to store their personal items.

Meyers states that 88% of self-storage owners are small-time mom and pop properties and 12% are big business investors with complete automation and systems. He goes on to explain that the majority of owners do not know where to list the properties, meaning that there are opportunities in all places not just in one specific market.

When asked what type market is best for a self-storage property, Meyers replied, "Look in a one to three mile range, and if there is a lot of competition, you may want to move to the next town and evaluate if they are underserved." When looking for available self-storage properties, Meyers recommends visiting the self-storage association, local chamber of commerce and the web.

Scott Meyers originally began in investing in single-family properties as an early investor, ultimately ramping up that side of his portfolio. He then began investing in apartment complexes, while nearly going bankrupt during the recession following the tragedy of 9/11. Once moving from apartment complexes to self-storage properties, Meyers stated, "Once I bought my first self-storage, I never looked back."

The Creating Wealth Show has featured many recognizable names in recent years including Pat Buchanan, Robert Kiyosaki, Addison Wiggin, Michael Gerber, Peter Schiff and many others. The Creating Wealth Show is available for free on www.JasonHartman.com/radioshows or the iTunes store, and offers investment strategy advice to those who wish to be financially independent through income property investing. To speak with an experienced investment counselor, you can call 714-820-4200 or visit www.JasonHartman.com for more details.

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Name: Brittney McKaig
Title: Public Relations Coordinator
Group: Platinum Properties Investor Network
Dateline: Costa Mesa, CA United States
Direct Phone: 714-820-4200
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