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Small-to-Mid-Sized Business Owners Can Benefit From An Objective Business Analysis by Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc.-
James J Talerico Jr - SMB Expert - Management Consultant James J Talerico Jr - SMB Expert - Management Consultant
Dallas - Ft. Worth, TX
Monday, July 6, 2020


James J. Talerico, Jr., a nationally recognized small business expert and the CEO & Founder of Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc., who has consulted with literally thousands of small-to-mid-sized businesses over the last 30 years, utilizes a comprehensive business analysis that checks over 275 different qualitative and quantitative aspects of a business and provides small-to-mid-sized business owners with an objective, 3rd party review and a detailed findings report outlining how a business owner can improve his or her businessBecause Mr. Talerico has worked with many of the fastest growing privately held businesses in the U.S., he can share the best practices of the top performers in many different industries.

His company's Performance Potential Indicator (PPI) Scorecard TM, moreover, assesses important areas of a business that most business analysts overlook, and provides a unique look at a small-to-mid-sized business that most of his competitors cannot match.  

Mr. Talerico helps small-to-mid-sized business owners improve their businesses by identifying the problems these business owners often cannot see and do not know how to fix.  "Most businesses do not operate at their potential. When business owners can see these problems and know the solutions, these businesses can exceed the business owners' wildest dreams," he says.    

Mr. Talerico asks for no money up front and if he cannot find at least 10 times the cost of the business analysis there is no cost.  He also has considerable expertise helping small-to-mid-sized businesses implemented the needed changes. 

Small-to-mid-sized business owners with questions about Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc.'s compendious business analysis process are encouraged to contact James J. Talerico, Jr. at 1-800-828-7585 for a free consultation.

To learn more about Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc., go to: www.greaterprairiebusinessconsulting.com.

About the Author

A nationally recognized small to mid-sized business (SMB) expert, Jim Talerico has consistently  ranked  among   the   "top   small   business   consultants   followed on Twitter.” With more than thirty - (30) years of diversified business experience, Jim has a solid track record helping thousands of business owners across the US and in Canada tackle tough business problems and improve their organizational performance.

A regular guest on the Price of Business on Bloomberg Talk Radio, Jim’s client success stories have been highlighted in the Wall St Journal, Dallas Business Journal, Chicago Daily Herald, and on MSNBC’s Your Business, and he is regularly quoted in publications like the New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Philadelphia Inquirer, and on INC.com, in addition to numerous, other industry publications, radio broadcasts, business books, and Internet media.

Jim Talerico is a certified management consultant CMC ©, an honor bestowed on only 1% of all consultants worldwide. He is also the founder and CEO of Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc.

For more information about Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc., go to:


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: James J Talerico Jr, CMC (c)
Title: Founder & CEO
Group: Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc.
Dateline: Irving, TX United States
Direct Phone: 800-828-7585
Cell Phone: 972-816-1666
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