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Speakers: Don’t Say Another Word Until You’ve Seen This
Robin Jay Robin Jay
Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, June 29, 2017


FREE Webinar for Professional Speakers

Robin Jay, President & Founder of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, is offering a FREE webinar that will be a game changer for professional speakers. She will be hosting the webinar every Thursday for three weeks beginning Thursday, June 29th, 2017, at 10AM, PST. Registrants will also gain access to a replica replay they can listen to at their convenience, so all interested speakers are encouraged to sign up now. 

Jay says, "I hear from struggling speakers every week. They are discouraged after hearing about speakers who are earning $5,000 … $10,000 … and more - every time they speak. Yet, in spite of hard work and hoping they are doing everything right, these speakers continue to struggle. What they don't ever hear is the truth about the industry, how it works, and how they can share their important messages and achieve financial success as a speaker.

In her free webinar, Introduction to Insider's Secrets: Keys to 6-Figure Speaking, Jay will reveal secrets about the speaking industry that only someone in her position can share. As an industry insider, she is delivering little-known secrets about the speaking industry and exactly what it takes to succeed and become a 6-figure speaker.

The President of the LVCSB says that she sees "Get Paid to Speak" ads for courses all the time. She hears from the disappointed graduates of such courses nearly every week. Jay says she wants to helps speakers by opening their eyes to what it really takes to excel in one of today's highest paid professions and how they can succeed quickly and easily ... IF they know what to expect and how to proceed.

An award-winning author who became a speaker "by default" and later founded the LVCSB, Jay shares that she, too, struggled for years before discovering how the speaking industry really works. Now, as President of an elite speakers bureau in a top convention destination, she is able to empower other speakers to save them years of time and tens of thousands of dollars by showing the fastest way for them to start earning six figures. Click here to register for one of the upcoming webinars.

#Speakers #Authors #MotivationalSpeaker #Expert #InspirationalSpeaker #PaidSpeaker #SpeakingSkills #GetPaidtoSpeak #SpeakersBureau #ProfessionalSpeaker #KeynoteSpeaker

For more on Robin Jay and the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, visit http://LVCSB.com or email: Robin@LVCSB.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Henderson, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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