Thursday, October 31, 2013
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Joyce Hoff 856-751-6141 (NJ)
Still Working? 7 Ways To Stay Vibrant When Over 50 or 60
You must have been a real looker when you were younger
The graying of the American workforce has begun. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the number of workers age 55-64 in the workplace is expected to increase by 36.5 percent between 2006-2016.
"Many people have delayed retirement because of the economy and some older workers still want to work and don't plan to stop," according to business etiquette expert Barbara Pachter, author of numerous business books, including her new book
The Essentials of Business Etiquette (Mcgraw-Hill). Pachter believes it is important for older workers to stay vibrant and offers these suggestions to help people in today's changing business world:
1. Don't get defensive. The above quote said to a businesswoman in her 60s illustrates that people give back-handed compliments about age. A man was told that "He looked great for his age." Don't dwell on the comment or its intent. Simply reply, "Thank you" and move to another topic.
2. Overcome negative self-talk. Don't keep asking yourself, "Am I too old for this?" View yourself as a professional with lots of good experience and look forward to more career accomplishments. You can also look to role models of successful older workers for inspiration. Diane Sawyer just turned 67.
3. Learn social media. Have a Facebook page Get on LinkedIn. Know about Twitter. You need some familiarity with social media. If you don't know where to start, ask your children or grandchildren for help.
4. Toot your own horn. Regardless of your age, you need to speak well of yourself. But you will be dating yourself if you continually mention the past. Saying, "At Gimbels we did…," will make you seem like a dinosaur as some of your coworkers most likely weren't out of diapers when this major department store closed in 1987. Also, don't joke about how long you have been in the workplace. One 54-year old manager often says, "When I worked at Ford 100 years ago…."
5. Learn how to work for a younger boss. You may need to adjust your communication style. Know how your boss likes to communicate. If he or she prefers texting, learn to text. Remember to act like an employee, not a parent.
6. Stay in shape. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help keep you vital and well.
7. Get a makeover. You can choose to look younger. Dying your hair, updating your glasses or getting contacts, whitening your teeth, getting a new hairstyle and a contemporary wardrobe can often deduct ten years or more from your look. Some people also choose more extensive measures like Botox or plastic surgery. If you don't know where to begin, professional coaches can help.
Barbara Pachter is a speaker, coach and author of numerous business books, including
The Power of Positive Confrontation ($15.95, paperback, Marlowe & Co.) and
When the Little Things Count ($13.95, paperback, Marlowe & Co.)
She specializes in business etiquette and communication for companies worldwide. Her client list features major organizations, including Con Edison, Microsoft, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Chrysler, Cisco and Cleveland Clinic.
To receive a review copy of
The Essentials of Business Etiquette email Chelsea Van der Gaag at
For a free copy of Pachter's communication e-newsletter, "Competitive Edge," your readers can call (856) 751-6141 (NJ) or go to