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SuretyMail Email Accreditation Helps Deliver Over 10 Billion Time-Critical Alerts for eAlert Emergency Alerting Service
Institute for Social Internet Public Policy Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Monday, March 28, 2011

Email Deliverability

MIS Sciences Corporation and SuretyMail Email Accreditation Work Together to Ensure Critical Alerts Make it to the Inbox

BOULDER, CO and BURBANK, CA - As radiation leaks from nuclear plants in Japan and conflict rocks the Middle East, the importance of reliably transmitting urgent information has never been more evident. An urgent message that fails to get delivered to the intended recipient can have devastating consequences.

It is for this reason that companies like MIS Sciences Corporation's eAlert service, a leading emergency alert notification service, exist. For more than 10 years, MIS Sciences Corporation has been responsible for sending out all manner of emergency notifications and alerts for the transportation, health care, and law enforcement industries, to name a few. Their emergency alert customers include JFK Airport Authority, Newark Airport Authority, University of Arkansas, New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), County of Riverside, Calif., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), Greater Ontario Transit Authority (GO Transit), Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), and Port Authority Trans Hudson (PATH), and many 911 centers.

Not surprisingly, an enormous number of eAlerts' notifications are sent through email, a form of communication that, despite its many benefits, can be frustratingly unreliable thanks to fervent spam filters and ISPs. In an attempt to keep spam out of email users' inboxes, various filters are imposed on incoming messages by spam filters and the ISPs that use them.

Noble though their intentions may be, these filters often weed out legitimate emails. Failing to receive an email that should have been allowed into the inbox is always irritating, but it can become a lot more costly and even dangerous if the message contains an important notification sent by a company like eAlert, on behalf of law enforcement, or an emergency or transportation agency.

SuretyMail, one of the leading email deliverability companies in the world, specializes in getting valid emails into the inbox.

"Thanks to SuretyMail accreditation services, in 2010, MIS Sciences Corporation's eAlert service delivered over 10 billion alert emails messages to schools, universities, transportation agencies, and government agencies," said Jeff Willis, Vice President of MIS Sciences Corporation.

SuretyMail uses a rigorous application process to ensure that all of their clients adhere to email best practices. If a client is not yet using these practices, SuretyMail helps them get there. As long as clients act in accordance with sending guidelines, SureMail accredits their emails, and since ISPs and spam filters respect the accreditation process, they are more likely to deliver email to the inbox if it has been accredited by SuretyMail.

"All legitimate, solicited messages deserve to be delivered to the inbox, and this is especially important when these emails contain emergency notifications or otherwise crucial information," said Anne P. Mitchell, CEO of ISIPP, providers of SuretyMail. "I am deeply pleased that our SuretyMail service has helped, in 2010 alone, deliver billions of pressing email notifications sent by eAlert to inboxes."

SuretyMail is one of the core businesses of the Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP), which provides analysis, information and consulting on industry issues relating to public policies and processes regarding spam, email, email deliverability, and the Internet.

For more information, contact info@isipp.com or call 800-759-3818.


ISIPP's widely-acclaimed SuretyMail Email Accreditation service helps business email senders ensure that their email gets delivered to the inbox instead of the junk folder. Email senders around the world currently send more than 2 billion pieces of email a month backed by SuretyMail's money-back guarantee. To join them, see http://www.SuretyMail.com/


2525 Arapahoe Ave, #E4-302

Boulder, CO 80302


MIS Sciences Corporation is a commercial internet services company specializing in providing technology services to government agencies and delivering time critical messages through its eAlert service www.ealert.com

MIS Sciences Corporation

2550 N Hollywood Way

Suite 404

Burbank, CA 91505-5046


818-847-0214 - FAX


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