Home > NewsRelease > Sword-fighting Event to Launch Medieval Fantasy Book with an Anti-Bullying Message for Teens
Sword-fighting Event to Launch Medieval Fantasy Book with an Anti-Bullying Message for Teens
Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing
North Vancouver, BC
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

 Sword-fighting Event to Launch Medieval Fantasy Book with an Anti-Bullying Message for Teens

On February 21st take a step back in time to the days of knights and castles, and take a stand against bullying. To support the empowering message of a new medieval fantasy book for teens, Verity by local author Marian Keen, a Medieval Event/Anti-bullying Fundraiser will be hosted at the Academie Duello in downtown Vancouver (412 West Hastings St, Vancouver) on February 21st from 6-8pm. *Students (elementary/high school/post-secondary) attend for FREE.*

Ever Wanted to Try Swordplay? The event will 'bring to life' the medieval experience through an Interactive Swordplay Demonstration by the Academie Duello, which will take attendees back in time to the days of sword-wielding knights in armor. To promote Verity's themes of integrity, truth and honour, the event will also feature a talk by the Academie on the values of Chivalry.

Stand Up for Yourself and Your Classmates! Say "No" To Bullying:

Bullying is not a recent phenomenon but an-age old problem, something former teacher and author Marian Keen understands well. She highlights this in her new teen novel, Verity, about a young heroine, not your average fairytale princess, who triumphs over her bully and in doing so embraces her own truth. Blending fantasy and reality, Verity presents the very real and relatable challenges facing teens in their search for self-acceptance.

Fostering confidence in youth is also part of Academie Duello's mission. The Academie is a centre for swordplay and other traditional Western Martial Arts, where, on any given day, people can be glimpsed taking classes on how to brandish a sword and shield, or how to wield a bow and arrow.

"Pink Shirt Day" Fundraiser: Attend on Feb 21st to support "Pink Shirt Day", an initiative of CKNW Orphans' Fund, to increase awareness of bullying and raise funds for anti-bullying programs throughout BC. "Pink Shirt Day" involves hundreds of thousands of supporters, and is a growing movement to help solve the problem of bullying. Proceeds from event ticket sales, and a dollar for every copy of Verity sold will go to CKNW's Orphans' Fund Pink Shirt Day.

Get Inspired!: Brock Tully, internationally renowned speaker, author, and an anti-bullying advocate who has been featured on the news for his inspirational talks to students about bullying, will be speaking. Author, Marian Keen, will also speak about the theme of bullying in her book, read excerpts, and sign books.

*Register to Attend (Students attend for FREE, $10 for Adults, Media attend for FREE): https://verity.eventbrite.ca

*For Media Interested in Covering the Event or Interviews with the Author Marian Keen, Academie Duello, and/or Brock Tully, please contact: Influence Publishing, communications@influencepublishing.com, tel. 604-980-5700.

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Group: Influence Publishing
Dateline: North Vancouver, BC Canada
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