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Teaching Kids About the Olympics
Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing
North Vancouver, BC
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Teaching Kids About the Olympics- It's About More Than Medals and Podiums

A two-time Olympian and a North Shore Children's Book Author Join Forces to Educate Kids About Olympic Values

January 21, 2014

On February 7th, 2014, with the lighting of the torch to start the Sochi Olympic Games, countries will come together in celebration of a sporting tradition that stretches back thousands of years. Since our own "Olympic experience" four years ago, Vancouverites have gained a first-hand understanding of what "Olympic Spirit" truly means. Every two years, whether in Vancouver or Beijing, London or Sochi, the Olympics become a teaching opportunity for imparting values of respect and fairness, hard work and friendship, to youth all over the world.

North Shore author, Marian Keen, has always believed that the Olympics have a lot to teach our kids. As a former 5th and 6th Grade teacher, her books for children and teens aim at both entertaining and educating. In the Olympics, she found a topic that could reach children beyond the appeal of the sporting events themselves and the glory of winning. In Lexi and Hippocrates Find Trouble at the Olympics, the ancient Olympics are seen through the eyes of Lexi, a cat, who ends up saving the day and preserving the ideals of fair play central to the Games.

Krista Guloien, a member of the silver-medal winning Canadian women's eight rowing crew at the 2012 London Games, also holds the Olympic values close to her heart. Rowing with a team across a finish line to win an Olympic medal, requires not only the hard work and determination common to all athletes, but also a keen understanding of the importance of teamwork.

Two days before the opening ceremony in Sochi, on February 5th 2014, as part of an Olympic-themed Event on the North Shore, Olympian, Krista Guloien and author, Marian Keen will be speaking about the experience of competing in the Olympics, the ancient history of the Games, and the significance of the Olympic Values. A FREE community event for all ages, the event will also feature a trivia contest, an interactive craft session for kids, photo opportunities with the Olympian and her medal, and book signings by the author. (To register to attend please visit: http://bit.ly/1e5uOTY)

*The event is sponsored by 4Cats North Vancouver Arts Studio*

• West Vancouver Memorial Library, Welsh Hall, 1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC

• 5-7pm

For Media interested in Covering the Event or Interviews with the Author and Olympian Krista Guloien, please contact: Influence Publishing, communications@influencepublishing.com, tel. 604-980-5700.

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Title: Publisher
Group: Influence Publishing
Dateline: North Vancouver, BC Canada
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