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Ten Steps in Hawaii 2024
Kathryn Troutman - Federal Career Coach(r) Kathryn Troutman - Federal Career Coach(r)
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Baltimore, MD
Sunday, September 15, 2024


Certified Federal Job Search Trainer® /
Certified Federal Career Coach®
Ten Steps to a Federal Job® Training Program

Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, Aug 19-21, 2024
Sept. 16, 2024 by Kathryn Troutman

Waikiki, Hawaii was a great place to train 32 employment specialists from the State of Hawaii Workforce Development Division (20 employment specialists), Work for Warriors Non-Profit, Andersen AFB – Guam, Nellis AFB Las Vegas, USCG Seattle, and Guam.

The Ten Steps Certification Program teaches employment specialists how to coach their clients, unemployed and under-employed civilians, veterans, disabled veterans, and military spouses, to create effective federal resumes for jobs in the Hawaiian Islands, Guam, Nellis, and USCG locations (Seattle and Guam). The Department of Defense is the biggest employer in Hawaii, aside from the hospitality industry, and many of these individuals are interested in federal jobs.

Kathryn Troutman taught Ten Steps to a Federal Job® to the class on Day One using the new Ten Steps to a Federal Job® Coach and Trainer’s Guide.

Here are the Top Lessons learned:

Day Two: Federal Resume Reviews, Creating Your First Resume, Student Ten Steps and the Stars are Lined Up for Military Spouses®

Check out the Top Lessons Learned, according to participants:

If the client’s resume is missing required information, like dates, city, state, rank, or duties – send the client to the USAJOBS resume builder to build the resume there. This way, all the compliance fields will be covered!

If the client’s resume has no specific keywords – or accomplishments – find a vacancy announcement that will show the keywords. Develop the content for the keywords FIRST, before coaching for accomplishments.

If your client truly has Superior Qualifications – encourage them to write the Superior Qualifications letter if they are offered the position. They could negotiate a higher step, accommodations, and/or student loan repayment.

The Outline Format Federal resume is the best way to incorporate ALL CAPS KEYWORDS and accomplishments.

On Day 3: HR Day Charles Clark introduced Merit Principles, Veterans Preference, and the Federal hiring process.

The goal of the CFJST / CFCC program is to train trainers and coaches in the Ten Steps method to review client resumes and advise clients regarding best practices for writing a correct and competitive Federal resume. Learn how to teach the Ten Steps program to classes virtually or in person. And to help their clients be Eligible, Best Qualified, Referred, Interviewed, and SELECTED for a Federal job.

The Certified Federal Job Search Trainer® / Certified Federal Career Coach® program was founded in 2002. This is a popular train-the-trainer program to teach jobseekers the best way to write a federal resume and apply for federal jobs. Read more here.

Ten Step Certification Dates and Rates

$210 one hour consultation

Purchase $210 one hour consultation here

If you are an employment specialist or career counselor, you would like our Certified Federal Job Search Trainer® / Certified Federal Career Coach® program.

We teach our Ten Steps to a Federal Job® trainers and coaches on writing CCAR accomplishments for Federal Resume Writing, Interview Preparation and Annual Self-Assessments.

Information about the CFJST / CFCC program is here.

Kathryn Troutman is the Founder and President of Resume Place, Inc., a Federal Career Consulting business located in Baltimore, MD. Her firm specializes in writing and designing professional federal resumes, as well as consulting, coaching and education on the federal hiring process. She is the author of many best-selling federal career books, including the Federal Resume Guidebook, 7th Ed. See the books at https://resume-place.com/books/

Troutman is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable media guest, appearing on Beverly Jones’s Jazzed about Work on NPR’s WOUB, Carol Fishman Cohen’s 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch (Relaunching Your Career), Mark Miller’s Repurpose Your Career, and numerous times on Mike Causey’s Your Turn show on Federal News Network. Her business, The Resume Place, had been featured in The Washington Post. To hear interviews of this top federal jobs expert, click here.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Kathryn Troutman
Title: Author, Speaker and Trainer
Group: The Resume Place, Inc.
Direct Phone: 410-744-4324
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