Home > NewsRelease > The Billboard Boot Camp is Coming to St. Louis on October 9th and 10th
The Billboard Boot Camp is Coming to St. Louis on October 9th and 10th
MobileHomeUniversity.com MobileHomeUniversity.com
Friday, September 10, 2010

The only event of its type in the U.S., the Billboard Boot Camp is an intense immersion weekend, in which you learn the billboard business from the ground up, in both the classroom and the field. It's taught by Frank Rolfe, who built from scratch the largest privately-owned billboard company in Dallas/Ft. Worth. And it includes all the insider secrets, tricks and shortcuts that the pros use.

"Our students have ranged from one of the largest billboard owners in Mexico, to the real estate department heads at some of the largest billboard operators in the U.S., and one guy who built 200 billboards in Canada just from reading my book" said Frank Rolfe, who teaches the Boot Camp. "I always enjoy meeting everyone and showing them everything I have learned in the business."

The course is limited to only 10 students. For more information, go to www.outdoorbillboard.com, or call (800) 950-1364.

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