Looking for adequate guidance from your supervisor? Clearly, the crafting of evidence based outcome statements is a fairly tedious process,? says Francie Dalton, President of Dalton Alliances, Inc. ?But the investment pays tremendous dividends.?
Your accomplishments, and their radial impacts, will be more visible; your boss will likely be more willing to engage with you, since you will have established a track records of superb clarity, combined with the brevity that is the essence of ?exec-speak?. Providing your boss with evidence based outcome statements will also establish a firm foundation for your performance review, insulating you against the possibility of a gut-feel or best-guess assessment by your boss.
Are you struggling to secure needed productivity increases and spending too much time trying to neutralize the resulting acrimony?
Is your effectiveness being impeded or eroded by disparate factions?
Have you been blind-sided by the acrimonious actions of others?
If so, here?s the good news: At their core, these frustrations have a common cause, for which the solution is both formulaic and easy to learn.
Find the answer, and learn how to assess more accurately at: