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‘The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time’ Wins 2021 International Impact Book Award

‘The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time’ Wins 2021 International Impact Book Award

Seattle, WA—The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time, by International Ethics Consultant Christopher Gilbert, PhD, won the 2021 International Impact Book Award in the Leadership category. In this scenario, books are not judged against competing titles, but are reviewed by judges and experts based on a scoring system that evaluates the quality of the writing and production of the book (editing, design, and other details).

Events around the world, over the last 18-months, have proven the need for the lessons and advice contained in The Noble Edge. Micro and macro issues are polarizing and paralyzing families, companies, communities, government institutions, states and nations. As if to telegraph the need for Gilbert's book, every decision we make seems to have huge import; for example, the simple act of going to a store is now rife with consequence and requires "ethical decision making." In other words, small decisions with big consequences are the order of the day.

"In this engaging work, speaker and ethics consultant Gilbert takes readers on a digestible journey through morality, law, and ethics. Gilbert highlights the pitfalls of relying on ethical "isms"—subjectivism, relativism, consequentialism, virtuism, and universalism—illustrating his points through dilemmas faced by an imaginary choice maker and stories about his own business challenges. Those concerned with the ethical weight of choices small and large will find much to ponder here." —Publisher's Weekly Review

The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time offers a path through the ethical and moral minefield staring us all in the face! Decisions made today, by parents or Presidents, will ring in our ears for many decades.  

The Noble Edge opens with Dr. Gilbert's Ethics Principle #1: "Laws tell us what we can do; ethics tells us what we should do." Legality is the start of a conversation about what is ethical- not the end! This is a book for the family room at home or the board rooms of business.  As many of the current 5-star reviews state, this is a guidebook you can read again and again. Gilbert employs fictitious and real-life scenarios, some from his own experiences, to drive home big and small ethical conundrums. 

In this increasingly toxic moral era, trust and authenticity grow more precious by the minute. The truth is that our most rewarding business, personal, and family relationships are founded on honesty. The Noble Edge invites readers into an inspirational conversation about building trust that is spiced with personal stories, humorous anecdotes, and invaluable guidance.

"The important ethical issues of today are not found in arguing about which schoolyard bully is the most unethical," says Gilbert. "That's the smoke in the moral room. The fire is our misguided belief that 'good' people make the good decisions and 'bad' people make the unethical ones, when we all go up and down the moral ladder every day."

"Wow! I couldn't put it down. The book is brilliant, inspiring, filled with humor that informs and amazing personal stories. If I were still Dean of the USC Law School, I would assign it to every student." —The Honorable Dorothy Nelson, Past Dean, University of Southern California Law School, Retired Chair of the United States Baha'i National Spiritual Assembly

"The Noble Edge is truly an inspirational book, encouraging us to become the best versions of ourselves, and to advance into a society that rests on trust, respect, and ethical choices. Highly recommended." —Rachel Song, Editor and Writer

Watch The Noble Edge Book Trailer https://bit.ly/NobleEdgeBookTrailer

The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time, ISBN 978-1631954054 (e-book) $8.49, (paperback) $17.95, Morgan James Publishing, 254 pages, Available at Amazon in Kindle and Paperback and Barnes & Noble.

About Christopher Gilbert, PhD: Dr. Christopher Gilbert is a senior international ethics consultant and popular keynote speaker. As co-founder of NobleEdge Consulting, he has worked with Fortune 500, government, and non-profit organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, traveling the globe to spearhead sustainability, human capacity development, and business conduct programs.

With over 25 years of award-winning teaching experience in colleges and universities on four continents, Chris has also pioneered nationally recognized professional development and ethics centers. As a motivational speaker and author, he is well known for his informative humor, authenticity, and personalized inspiration. He holds a PhD specializing in leadership ethics, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Science in geology.

Chris is the author of the bestselling There's No Right Way to Do the Wrong Thing and his newest release, The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time, is an inspirational conversation about truth and trust. You can find more information about Chris Gilbert on his website, nobleedgeconsulting.com. Watch the book trailer here: https://bit.ly/NobleEdgeBookTrailer

Media Contact: For a review copy of The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time or to arrange an interview with Christopher Gilbert, PhD, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on twitter @abookpublicist

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Group: Westwind Communications Book Marketing
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
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