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Tomcat Group CEO offers toolkit to accelerate business performance
Chuck Gumbert --  Business Turnaround Specialist, Coach and Mentor Chuck Gumbert -- Business Turnaround Specialist, Coach and Mentor
Monday, January 30, 2012




Chuck Gumbert

The Tomcat Group



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tomcat Group CEO offers toolkit to accelerate business performance

Wichita, KS - January 30, 2012 --- Author and CEO Chuck Gumbert, a business executive for the aerospace/aviation industry, has developed a comprehensive toolkit of services to turnaround struggling or stagnant businesses. Gumbert offers the Business Acceleration Toolkit through his company, The Tomcat Group, and has written about his strategies in his book "General George S. Patton on Accelerating Performance in Today's Business World" (No Limit Publishing Group, September 2011).

Gumbert brings 40 years of successful business experience to each assignment and understands what is needed to accelerate business performance.

"If an organization doesn't know where it's going, it is difficult to move forward," Gumbert said. "The toolkit of services I've put together includes strategy development, action plans, metrics, process improvement modules, with the centerpiece being what I refer to as the 'Three A's' of business: Action, Alignment and Accountability."

Gumbert has developed and added to this toolkit throughout his career to solve complex business problems that threaten organizational stability and long-term sustainability.

"Statistically speaking, it would take significantly more effort and expenditures to hire and train an employee to deliver anything close to the same results," Gumbert adds.

For more information on The Tomcat Group's services and to request case studies demonstrating the success of Chuck Gumbert's Business Acceleration Toolkit, call 316-708-6815 or visit his website at www.chuckgumbert.com.

Chuck Gumbert is a former F-14 Tomcat fighter pilot and an independent operating executive with a proven track record of improving business performance in the aerospace/aviation industry. As founder and CEO of The Tomcat Group, he is known as "The fighter pilot who will push the envelope and accelerate the performance of your business."  He helps businesses improve their performance through such services as operational turnarounds, new product introduction, interim executive services, business development and strategic development and implementation. Gumbert is also the author of "General George S. Patton on Accelerating Performance in Today's Business World," which is available for purchase at www.tomcat-group.com or Amazon.com.

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Name: Chuck Gumbert
Title: CEO & Founder
Group: The Tomcat Group
Dateline: Goddard, KS United States
Direct Phone: 210-262-5880
Cell Phone: 210-262-5880
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