Home > NewsRelease > Top Sales and Management Expert Richard Tyler’s COVID-19 Business Survival Tips Recommended and Featured In The Houston Business Journal
Top Sales and Management Expert Richard Tyler’s COVID-19 Business Survival Tips Recommended and Featured In The Houston Business Journal
Richard Tyler - 'The World's Top Sales and Management Expert' Richard Tyler - 'The World's Top Sales and Management Expert'
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Houston, TX
Monday, July 27, 2020

Owner retail shop turning sign board to open store after close lockdown in covid-19 situation
Houston, Texas – July 2020 – Richard Tyler, America’s Top Corporate and Entrepreneurial Business Expert™ is a Featured and Recommended read in the Houston Business Journal. Tyler, who is a world renown Sales, Management and Success expert, as well as a multi-time Best-Selling Author, and an Award-Winning Filmmaker offered simple yet powerful advice to businesses on “Five things you can do right now to survive and thrive after COVID-19”.
Tyler points out “It’s common to wonder, “What do I do now?” As you proceed, remember that fear can be the great debilitator, stopping you cold in your tracks and freezing you with worry about the future. However, fear doesn’t have to be a negative. It can be a positive catalyst for success if you use it to focus your thoughts into actions that benefit your customers and thus your business.” Tyler’s counterpoint to pandemic inertia is to “Take Action”. Take calculated risks, plan, strategize “and not allow the fear to hamper us where we do nothing.
Richard Tyler wrote this article in his capacity as an Official Member of the Houston Business Journal Leadership Trust.
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Houston Business Journal is the leading news and business publication in Houston, Texas.whose parent company is American City Business Journals (ACBJ). ACBJ is the largest publisher of metropolitan business newsweeklies in the United States, with 44 business publications across the country reaching more than 3.6 million readers each week and 16.6 million web visitors. American City Business Journals is a multi-platform media company providing in-depth coverage of local business communities and breaking news. Through print, digital products and face-to-face events, ACBJ offers business leaders many avenues for making connections and gives them a competitive edge locally, regionally and nationally. ACBJ is the premier media solutions platform for companies that target business decision-makers.
About Richard Tyler
Known as “The World’s Top Sales Expert,” Tyler is the CEO of Richard Tyler International Inc., Excellence Edge FilmsRichard Tyler Films and a host of other companies. He has advised businesses, written books and made films on how people can achieve their goals and transform personal and professional dreams into reality for more than 30 years. A Best-Selling Author who has written dozens of books, an Award-Winning Filmmaker and entrepreneur, as well as a highly acclaimed Keynote Speaker and Sales Trainer, Tyler has been inducted into the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors and the National Association of Experts, Writers & Speakers. His philosophies have been featured in dozens of publications, and he has appeared on many major TV media outlets.
Connect with Richard via RichardTyler.comExcellence Edge Films and Richard Tyler Films. ### Public Relations and Media
Richard Tyler Family of Companies
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Name: Richard Tyler
Title: CEO
Group: Richard Tyler International, Inc
Dateline: Houston, TX United States
Direct Phone: 713.974.7214
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