Home > NewsRelease > Top Three Employee Engagement and Gratitude Articles for the week of September 4, 2015
Top Three Employee Engagement and Gratitude Articles for the week of September 4, 2015
Lisa Ryan --  Workforce Engagement Expert & Speaker Lisa Ryan -- Workforce Engagement Expert & Speaker
Friday, September 4, 2015


Here are my favorite articles for the week on employee engagement and creating a culture of appreciation. Feel free to share your comments.

Employee engagement matters by Joe Sherren

(The Guardian) "Involve employees in management responsibilities:  I remember as a corporate manager I had employees that were ready for promotion, but there were no openings. Of course they became discontent. So I would say, "How would you like to be even better prepared for an opening when it does happen" Then, one at a time, I would delegate them something I was responsible for and let them run with it"

My Thoughts: What a terrific way to encourage your employees to learn new skills and take responsibility for their own success for the long term.

An Employee Engagement Strategy That Guarantees Success by Kevin Kruse

(HuffingtonPost.com) "Company leaders should never assume they have all the answers. The best employee engagement strategy is one where the organization surveys the employees at least annually, the results are shared with every manager, and in turn, each manager creates an action plan with her team members"

My Thoughts:  Employee engagement does not come from a "top-down" approach, rather from a "bottom-up" strategy. When employees feel they are listened to, they are more likely to buy in.

The Real Reason Your Employer Should Pay You More by Peter Swanson

(Payscale.com) "You should never base your job squarely on money, and these are two very brief examples based on service industry jobs. But the takeaway is that pay is important at every level — and it doesn't take a whole lot to make that jump for your employees. When the CEO's salary is a few hundred times larger than the average employee's, it's possible that a little redistribution won't leave your company looking like Soviet Russia"

My thoughts:  This article highlights both In-N-Out Burger and Costco – two of my favorite places.  If paying your employees a little more can make this big of a difference to your bottom line, isn't it worth considering?


Lisa Ryan, creator of Grategy® is a gratitude expert, professional speaker and bestselling author. For more information contact (216) 225-8027. For information on Grategy® programs please visit http://www.grategy.com Follow on Twitter: @Grategy

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Group: Grategy.com
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