Home > NewsRelease > Top Three Employee Engagement and Retention Articles for the week of October 17, 2016
Top Three Employee Engagement and Retention Articles for the week of October 17, 2016
Lisa Ryan --  Workforce Engagement Expert & Speaker Lisa Ryan -- Workforce Engagement Expert & Speaker
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: North Royalton, OH
Monday, October 17, 2016


1505382-top-3 Lisa Ryan Employee engagementHere are my top three picks for amazing employee engagement ideas and strategy articles for the week:

Thank You! Gratitude Is the Best Retention Strategy

(Business News Daily) “According to the survey, employees have issues with leaders who make no effort to form relationships with their workers or show appreciation for employees. Respondents said the worst qualities a boss or manager can have are being emotionally distant and uncommunicative. Some examples are failing to give credit to workers (32 percent of respondents), rarely giving praise or expressing support (28 percent), failing to help employees with promotion (24 percent), and viewing workers as replaceable (13 percent).”

My Thoughts:  Saying “thank you” in real time is a strategy that seems like a no-brainer, but unfortunately, common sense is not so common.

Employee Engagement and Sustainability

(IEDP.com) “To bolster the ‘can do’ belief among employees, it is important to invest in educating employees about sustainability as well as to create systems and processes that make it easier for them to integrate sustainability into their business decisions. Many sustainability initiatives require specialized knowledge and expertise — such as talking to suppliers about sustainable sourcing or using an eco-efficiency tool to evaluate a new product.”

My Thoughts: It’s about getting buy-in and choosing projects/efforts that matter most to employees. Let them see how they are making a difference in your company and in the world.

Genuine concern for staff well-being is the most powerful motivator

(Estate Agent Today) “Some of our best ideas have come from those on the front line, and not only does this provide a fantastic boost to motivation, it gets unquestioned buy-in from the ground level up as it’s come from the coal face. It’s all of this which helps staff feel valued. Juggling performance assessment, well-being, and engagement isn’t easy, but it is worth it. As a company, we’re constantly trying to evolve and raise the bar, and we know if we crack this we’ll have found the holy grail of business.”

My thoughts:  This is a short case-study of a company that took the time to do all the right things to engage their team. Sounds like a great place to work!


Lisa Ryan, creator of Grategy® is an employee engagement strategist, award-winning speaker and bestselling author. For more information, contact (two-one-six) 225-8027. For information on Grategy® programs please visit http://www.grategy.com. Follow on Twitter: @Grategy

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Name: Lisa Ryan
Group: Grategy.com
Dateline: North Royalton, OH United States
Direct Phone: 216-225-8027
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