Home > NewsRelease > Transcultural Roundtable on the Future -- coming in July!
Transcultural Roundtable on the Future -- coming in July!
David E. Stein  --   FUTUREtakes.Org International Futurist Magazine David E. Stein -- FUTUREtakes.Org International Futurist Magazine
Linthicum Heights, MD
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Which cultures will profoundly impact YOUR workday, YOUR disposable time, YOUR everyday life, and YOUR value system in the coming years – those of Europe, those of Asia, those of the US, or those of other peoples – and why? Which peoples and cultures will have the most pervasive worldwide impact on notions of fulfillment, gratification, and happiness? With increasing interaction among the world's cultures and peoples, which professions – and personality types – will be most highly valued in YOUR part of the world a decade from now? To meet the challenges of the future, what can be learned from various nations, peoples, and cultures of the present and past? And, what is the future of cultural diversity itself?

These are among the topics to be explored at "Transcultural Perspectives 2010," a first-ever session of its kind at an annual World Future Society conference. Five editors of FUTUREtakes (an independent publication serving World Future Society chapters and members), all from different nations, will share their perspectives on the ways in which today's cultures will shape tomorrow's lifestyles and value systems.

World Future 2010, sponsored by the World Future Society, is scheduled for July 8-10 in Boston, Massachusetts, and "Transcultural Perspectives 2010" is scheduled for July 9 at 9:00 am. Conference registration can be completed on the World Future Society website, www.wfs.org. For further information about the session, write to info@futuretakes.org.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: David E. Stein
Title: President
Group: Center for Transcultural Foresight, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Cell Phone: 410-302-4568
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