Home > NewsRelease > Trump Confuses Primary Colors in “Blue Bailout” Comment, Blames Dr. Seuss
Trump Confuses Primary Colors in “Blue Bailout” Comment, Blames Dr. Seuss
Preston Coleman --  Political Satirist Preston Coleman -- Political Satirist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Oxford, MD
Tuesday, May 5, 2020


President Donald Trump suggested Monday that it would be unfair for Republican-run states to bail out Democrat-run states in the wake of skyrocketing costs of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trump echoed previous statements by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell opposing so-called “blue state bailouts.”

In an Oval Office interview with the New York Post, Trump claimed, “It’s not fair to the Republicans because all the states that need help — they’re run by Democrats in every case…. You look at Illinois, you look at New York, look at California, you know, those three, there’s tremendous debt there, and many others. I don’t think the Republicans want to be in a position where they bail out states that are, that have been mismanaged over a long period of time.”

The president apparently mistook one primary color for another, as red states by and large take more from the federal government than they give, while blue states give more than they take. The three states named by Trump are all “donor states” that give more than they take.

Reached for comment, Trump blamed Dr. Seuss for his mistake. “Red fish, blue fish, that Seuss guy really screwed this up,” Trump fumed. “We’re cutting off all funding for Seuss-related programs, they’re not getting a dime, okay?”

The White House subsequently denied reports that the president’s heart is “two sizes too small.”

Image by byzantiumbooks

Dr. Preston Coleman is an award-winning author, professor, and researcher. He specializes in satire and has published numerous books including "The Lost Gospel of Donald" and various parody websites. He's taught numerous courses in journalism, public speaking, and film. His research focuses on media and popular culture. www.prestoncoleman.com  

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Dateline: Oxford, MD United States
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