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'Txtversations' Book Release by Sylvia Henderson
Sylvia Henderson - Interpersonal Skills Expert Sylvia Henderson - Interpersonal Skills Expert
Olney, MD
Monday, May 3, 2010

V-Twin Press is proud to announce the launch of Sylvia Henderson's new book, TXTVERSATIONS: How Old Farts Must Communicate With Young Whipper-Snappers More Effectively, and Vice Versa (So We Can Get On With Life & Get Things Accomplished). The book is available from Sylvia's website as well as from Amazon.com.

Txtversations is in the business / personal development category. The back-cover book excerpt reads:

Text messaging. Does it come naturally to you as a communications tool?

If your answer is "yes", then this book is for you because in it you will find:
  • How to communicate more effectively with those for whom texting is an unnatural act.

  • Why doing so is important to your professional success.

  • When texting is, perhaps, not the best communications choice to make for your message.

  • Some interesting "how we came to be where we now are" facts.

If your answer is "no", then this book is for you because in it you will find:
  • How to communicate more effectively with those for whom texting is a way of life.

  • Why doing so is important to your professional success.

  • When texting is, perhaps, the best communications choice to make for your message.

  • How to interpret text message codes.

  • Text messaging etiquette tips.

  • Some interesting "how we came to be where we now are" facts.

The benefit for you whether you answered "yes" or "no"? This book helps you to communicate more effectively, thereby positioning you for greater professional and personal success.

Thumbs up! And let's get to having more effective textversations.

Just what are "txtversations"?

Txtversation (n.): Communications between two or more people via short text messages (fewer than about 150 characters) using such means as SMS text messages, Twitter, instant messaging, e-mail, online message boards, or machine conversion of voicemail to text.

Txtversations may use emoticons and abbreviations typical of texting; standard English with spelled-out words and full sentences; or any combination. Txtversational skills are increasingly important for being understood and for avoiding misunderstandings.

Also spelled "textversation".

A limited number of books are available for review by news outlets and social networkers. Send serious requests to the author.

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Name: Sylvia Henderson
Title: Chief Everything Officer (CEO)
Group: Springboard Training
Dateline: Olney, MD United States
Direct Phone: 301-260-1538
Main Phone: 301-260-1538
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