On Friday, April 24 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Kevin Coleman will be face to face with the counterpart / cyber adversary from China he has researched and analyzed for years. The event will take place at InfoWarCon held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center just outside our nation?s capital in National Harbor, Maryland. Coleman gained international recognition for his cyber warfare research when Col. Gary McAlum, Chief of Staff of U.S. Strategic Command's Joint Task Force for Global Network Operations, quoted approvingly Coleman?s report on China?s cyber warfare ambitions. This was provided in testimony before the U.S.- China Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressionally created advisory group. Coleman will be joined by Mr. Charles Hawkins, a senior analyst specializing in Chinese Affairs and Mr. Timothy L. Thomas, LTC, USA (Ret.), Senior Analyst, US Army Foreign Military Studies. On the opposite side of the panel representing China will be Mr. Hou Yinming, Delegation Leader and Former Director of the prestigious Zhang Ya Da Electronic Research Center, Major General Wang Baocun, PLA (ret), Professor Wang Xiangsui, Director of Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics Center for Strategic Studies and co-author of "Unrestricted Warfare?and finally Mr. ShenWeiguang, China's "father of information warfare." Later that night ceception honoring the Chinese Delegation will also be held.
Mr. Coleman is a Senior Fellow and Strategic Consultant with the Technolytics Institute. He is the former Chief Strategist of Netscape and worked as a principal at CSC as well as a manager at Deloitte & Touche. He has testified before Congress and just recently presented at the United Nations on cyber terrorism. He is also the blog master for the cyber warfare blog at Defensetech.
Event Address
http://www.infowarcon.com/ Technolytics Address
http://www.technolytics.om Blog Address: