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Versatility: It’s NOT Soft Stuff!
Francie Dalton -- Certified Managment Consultant Francie Dalton -- Certified Managment Consultant
Columbia, MD
Thursday, February 25, 2010

?Don?t let the economy blind you to the importance of your organization?s human bottom line,? says Francie Dalton, president of Washington, D.C. based consultancy Dalton Alliances, Inc. ?With the right tools and the power of versatility, you can engage the endless power of your staff?s human spirit and commitment.?

?An essential prerequisite to successfully achieving this quality of leadership is versatility, because it enables you to construct and communicate messages that resonate with a diverse group of individuals, all of whom are wired differently.? Francie says, ?In tough times like these, your messages must penetrate staff members? intellect, connect with their best self, and inspire them to adjust their behavior towards the achievement of specific results.?

Dalton describes seven basic patterns of workplace behaviors, and their implications for how you communicate and interact with those you lead. Understanding these seven styles will give you clearer insight into how your employees are responding to today?s economy.

To learn more about the seven styles of workplace behavior, please visit


Francie Dalton, CMC, is founder and president of Dalton Alliances, Inc, a Washington DC consultancy specializing in the communication, management, and behavioral sciences. Her book, ?Versatility?, published by ASAE, and more information about her offerings is available at www.daltonalliances.com or reach her at 800.442.3603.

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Name: Megan Wanner
Title: Marketing Associate
Group: Dalton Alliances
Dateline: Columbia, MD United States
Direct Phone: 410.715.0484
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