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Walking May Halve Dementia Risk, Study Finds - Taking Steps for Long-Term Care Eases Burden
Matt McCann, CLTC -- Long Term Care Expert Matt McCann, CLTC -- Long Term Care Expert
Richmond, VA
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Walking reduces dementia risk.

It's time to lace up your walking shoes. Research shows that increasing your daily step count may delay or prevent the onset of dementia.

Just like taking steps now to protect your family and finances from the future costs and burdens of aging, it will provide peace of mind and more for those you love.

A study published in JAMA Neurology found that walking 10,000 steps a day can cut the risk of dementia in half. Even walking 4,000 steps daily can reduce the risk by 25%.

Additionally, engaging in half an hour of brisk walking was associated with a 62% decline in dementia risk. Lead author of the study, Borja del Pozo Cruz emphasized that "faster steps" provide superior results.

Walking is associated with better vascular profiles, which is probably the clearest pathway through which steps may benefit dementia. Thus, it's likely that vascular dementia is the most preventable through physical activity.

Vascular dementia refers to changes in memory, thinking, and behavior resulting from conditions that affect the brain's blood vessels. Symptoms can begin gradually or occur suddenly and then progress over time, with possible short periods of improvement.

Why is this Important?

Dementia is one of the leading causes of needing long-term care services in the United States and globally. Traditional health insurance, including Medicare and supplements, only pays for short-term skilled care, nothing for dementia.

Medicaid will pay for long-term care services, but the individual must have little or no income and assets to qualify.

The solution continues to be Long-Term Care Insurance as it will pay for all types of long-term care services, but coverage must be purchased before your health begins to decline significantly.

One of the nation's leading Long-term care specialists, Matt McCann, emphasizes the importance of quality care for individuals with dementia and other aging-related issues.

"Quality care ensures that individuals receive the support they need, allowing loved ones to focus on being family rather than caregivers."

Take Your Steps Now

Long-term care services are costly, and family caregivers are unprepared and untrained to help. McCann emphasizes the financial and emotional challenges families face when providing care for aging loved ones.

"Many families underestimate the financial impact of long-term care, which can lead to significant financial strain and stress on the entire family."

He advocates for proactive planning, including considering Long-Term Care Insurance, to ensure access to quality care without compromising financial stability or placing undue burden on family members.

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What Steps Can You Take?

First, McCann recommends incorporating regular walking into your routine supports overall health and plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of cognitive decline. As research highlights the benefits of physical activity, taking proactive steps today can lead to a healthier tomorrow.

Second, he says to include Long-Term Care Insurance in your retirement plan. Be sure to seek a qualified LTC Insurance specialist to help you shop and obtain accurate quotes from all the top-rate insurance companies that offer long-term care solutions.

Most people obtain coverage between ages 47 and 67. However, premiums and underwriting rules vary dramatically between insurance companies.

Get Professional Planning Help

Matt McCann is licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, representing top-rated insurance companies that provide long-term care solutions.

His innovative approach allows clients to consult with him over the phone while viewing his computer screen, ensuring a convenient and transparent process for learning about, exploring, and selecting the best options.

You can get free and accurate quotes from all the top companies, along with professional recommendations -  Free and Accurate Quotes.

Media Availability

McCann is available for radio, TV, and podcast interviews. He also speaks to groups and organizations worldwide on the issues of aging, caregiving, health, and long-term care. 

Contact McCann through his website for information.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Matt McCann, CLTC
Title: President
Group: McCann Insurance Services, Inc
Dateline: Darien, IL United States
Direct Phone: 630-487-2480
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