Home > NewsRelease > Webinar About Important U.S. Supreme Court Decsion Regarding Retirement Plans
Webinar About Important U.S. Supreme Court Decsion Regarding Retirement Plans
Susan Mangiero, PhD, CFA, CFE, FRM, PPC Susan Mangiero, PhD, CFA, CFE, FRM, PPC
New York, NY
Friday, October 30, 2015


Save the date for an important and timely educational program entitled "Life After Tibble: Investment Monitoring and Litigation Defense Considerations for ERISA Fiduciaries." Produced by Bloomberg BNA, this webinar event will take place on December 3, 2015. Speakers are listed below:

  • James O. Fleckner, Esquire - Chair - ERISA Litigation, Goodwin Procter LLP;
  • Dr. D. Lee Heavner - Managing Principal, Analysis Group, Inc.; and
  • Dr. Susan Mangiero - Managing Director, Fiduciary Leadership, LLC.

In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court "Tibble" decision, there are numerous questions as to what exactly comprises effective investment monitoring from a procedural prudence perspective. Given the newness of this important legal decision and little formal guidance from the High Court, the panel will present economic perspectives about what ERISA fiduciaries should do to assess, and possibly improve, their current investment monitoring process. Attention will be paid to related topics that include the delegation of investment monitoring to third parties (such as advisors, asset managers and consultants) and the kinds of information that should be communicated to plan participants about investment monitoring activities. The role of the economic expert and the factors that need to be considered in estimating damages will be addressed, along with a discussion of available industry resources. The panel will use examples from casework to illustrate some of the key points.

Anyone involved with the $30 trillion retirement plan industry can benefit by registering for this educational event.

About Fiduciary Leadership, LLC

Fiduciary Leadership, LLC is an investment risk governance and forensic economic analysis consulting company. Clients include asset managers, transactional attorneys, litigation attorneys, regulators and institutional investors.

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Name: Susan Mangiero
Group: Fiduciary Leadership, LLC
Dateline: Trumbull, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-261-5519
Cell Phone: 203-556-2309
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