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What Do People REALLY Want?
Vicki Rackner MD ---  Selling to Doctors Vicki Rackner MD --- Selling to Doctors
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Two decades ago I was the medical editor of a health-related publication with a weekly distribution of about 3 million. People LOVED this newsletter. In fact, people who lived and worked in the White House received this newsletter. There was even a special version for Air Force One.

What was the secret to their success?

We delivered things that people REALLY want. Here are the ideas that guided our article choices and writing style:

What People Want

  • Things that make things simpler
  • Things they can talk about with their friends
  • Things they can show their friends
  • Things that make them feel appreciated /loved/special
  • Things that will connect them with other peoples
  • Things that make them feel more in control
  • Things that make them feel that where they are is not so bad
  • Things that make them laugh
  • Things that make them grateful
  • Things that surprise them
  • Things that give the hope.
This list is more important than ever in 2021!

How well do your marketing messages deliver what people REALLY want?

My best,
Dr. Vicki

PS If you would like to work with more doctor clients in 2021, I invite you to learn more about our live virtual 3-day How to Get More Doctor Clients in 2021 Bootcamp.  This is a complete soup-to-nuts blueprint to help you do what's working in 2021.  Click here to learn more.  The dates are February 16th, 17th and 18th, 2021.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Vicki Rackner MD
Group: Targeting Doctors
Dateline: Mercer Island, WA United States
Direct Phone: (425) 451-3777
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