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Why Can’t You Reach Your Career Goals?
Mike Palumbo --  Executive Recruiter -- Career Insider Mike Palumbo -- Executive Recruiter -- Career Insider
Fairhope, AL
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Yes, you can reach your career goals…temporarily. The reality is, you can't really reach all of your career goals – ever!

If you're the type of person that is always striving to be the best and looking for ways to better life, not only for your career but also for your family, you will never fully reach your goals. So don't frustrate yourself.

The reason why you can never fully reach your career goals is because your goals are always changing. Once you reach one goal you start setting more goals. It's part of growing and wanting more out of your career and life.

Is it ever possible to reach your career goals?

Not really. Well, maybe temporarily you can, but it's only temporarily. The truth is, once you realize this fact of life, it will change your life forever. You will always want more. In other words, it will never be enough. Let me give you some examples.

Do you remember your first apartment? What about your first car? Are you still living in your first apartment or driving your first car? Why not? You've moved on from that type of apartment and car, right?

What about your first job? I bet you've also moved up and beyond that first job, right? Life is about growing, learning more, and moving up. But it doesn't just stop at some magical point in your life it's constantly changing.

When can you expect to reach your career goals?

Never. Well, again, temporarily you can reach them but eventually you will want more. You will want a bigger, or nicer, house. You will want a better position in your career. You will want to make more money. And the list goes on.

And guess what happens when you get the nicer house, better career position, and start making more money? You will want an even nicer house, a more challenging career position, and certainly want more money. See how this works?

So, let me ask you, can you ever reach your career goals? Not really. There will always be a gap between where you are today and where you want to go. So, what's the answer? Live and enjoy life. Be thankful for what you have and realize what you have achieved in your career and life. Yes, you want to keep striving for more. Yes, you want to keep setting goals for yourself. But the sooner you realize that there will ALWAYS be a gap between where you are today and where you want to go, the sooner you can start enjoying your life. I hope this helps.

Good luck to you!

Mike Palumbo

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Name: Mike Palumbo
Dateline: Fairhope, AL United States
Direct Phone: 251-990-3385
Main Phone: 251-990-3385
Cell Phone: 251-459-3133
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