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Cyber Commander's Handbook Released
Technolytics -- Strategic Issues Technolytics -- Strategic Issues
McMurray, PA
Monday, January 18, 2010

Cyber Commander's Handbook
Technolytics announced today the launch of The Cyber Commander's Handbook which was directed by lead author Kevin G. Coleman, Principal Technology Strategist with the Technolytics Institute and an expert on cyber-intelligence and cyber –warfare.

As stated in The Art of War, one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy, written by Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, the key to success in any type of battle is having information about your adversary. Today, this strikes at the very core of modern day military strategy and the rapidly evolving era of digital conflict. Understanding your adversary through cyber intelligence has become a critical capability for military planners. Gathering information about an enemy – their systems, processes, and background – is as valuable as knowing what kind of weapons they possess. Very few organizations today really know who their enemies are, how they might attack, when they might attack, and, perhaps most importantly, the attack modality that might be used. Understanding that a new threat exists from cyber warfare and cyber spies is critical to our nation's security.

The Cyber Commander's Handbook chronicles the history of digital espionage, its perpetrators and its defenders and looks at the future of cyber conflict.. It includes detailed examples of actual cyber-warfare attacks, the methods used to launch the attack and the counter-measures used to defend countries and business around the world. It includes strategies for compiling a comprehensive Cyber Warfare Doctrine, and builds the case for cooperation between nations if critical information and resources are to remain secure and out of the hands of unseen enemies. This informative handbook is a must read for anyone involved in the security of information and infrastructure in either the public or private sectors.

Visit the Technolytics web-site today at http://www.technolytics.com/CyberWarfare.asp to place your order for this information-packed volume. Our web site contains easy to follow order instruction, as well as a wealth of other information pertaining to the latest news on security, defense and law enforcement. You will not want to miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge, sharpen your skills.

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