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Patti Wood, Body Language Expert, On CNN American Morning
Patti Wood -- Communication Dynamics Patti Wood -- Communication Dynamics
Decatur, GA
Monday, July 5, 2004

Patti Wood, noted Atlanta-based Body Language Expert will be on CNN American Morning the week of July 12. No specific date has been set yet. The show airs from New YOrk each morning from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m ET. Patti wil be discussing how to detect deception as well as her recent interview with the BBC online where she discussed Saddam Hussein's body language during his court hearing. Info is available at Patti's web site: www.pattiwood.net. Patti's body langauges assessments regularly appear in Us Weekly,nine times in Cosmopolitan and recently she was interviewed for a feature by The Washington Post. Patti also teaches others how to use body language understanding to enahnce their interaction with people at work and in personal relationships. She has also coached law enforcement personnel on understanding body languge with victims and criminals.

Patti can be reached at 404-371-8228 for interviews. For the latest schedule of her workshops, go to her website.

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Name: Patti Wood
Title: President
Group: Communication Dynamics
Dateline: Decatur, GA United States
Direct Phone: 404-315-7397
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